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May 7, 2010Read: Matthew 28 "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations." --Matthew 28:19

Isn't it interesting how quickly we want to share good news? The better the news, the sooner we want to spread it. Well, the good Lord answered many, many prayers when the doctor told me today that my neck was healing well. Today marked a critical, 12-week test point, and the doctor says I'm right on track. When I heard it, I hugged him. Seriously.

Isn't it interesting how we react when we hear good news? Especially when it's your good news. All day long, I found myself calling the family and friends who had been praying for the word. I even felt like telling the parking lot attendant and the guy behind the counter at the gas station. For some reason, they just had to know.

Friends, we've been made whole. When we accept Jesus, He cures our worst ailment. We have very good news to share, amen?



So we've thrown a number of important items of bone health at you this week. Much of it may seem textbook but many of us just don't get enough of the basics which is why it's important for this kind of review. So here are the National Osteoporosis Foundation's top five steps of prevention of osteoporosis.

1 Get your daily recommended amounts of calcium and Vitamin D 2 Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise 3 Avoid smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol 4 Discuss bone health regularly with your doctor 5 Have a bone density test done