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June 16, 2011Read Luke 24 "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" --Luke 24:5

We can proudly say that PrayFit has a steadily growing Twitter account. Not sure if you've been on there, but for the more popular people on Twitter, a blue checkmark is placed beside their name to signify a "Verified Account" -- a sort of seal of approval that tells the world that all the others are fakes and phonies; mere look-alikes. The seal says you can trust who's behind it.

Well, today as I was updating "what's happening now," I saw people sharing all sorts of wisdom. I read a compelling quote from Ghandi, Confucius said not to chase two rabbits, and if I was born this month, my horoscope says I'm in for a big surprise. Awesome. But with all the different opinions, mantras and beliefs, who can we trust? Well, at PrayFit, we simply look to the empty tomb. The seal of approval? A rolled away stone -- a verified account that tells the world you can trust who's not behind it.



While I'm on the subject of online debates, I saw a long stream of comments talking about the notion that losing weight (or not gaining weight) can't be as simple as taking in less calories than you utilize. Well, folks, it's true. The simple science of our bodies says that if you use more calories than you take in, you won't gain weight and you may in fact lose weight. But here's the catch: the quality of calories is key when it comes to how you look, perform and function. To be, act and appear your best, you must choose quality protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. Sure, if you take in a total of 2000 calories in a day, and those 2000 calories are empty calories, if you utilize 2001, you won't gain a pound. But you won't be your best either.

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>> LISTEN UP TV: PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena fielded questions on how to combat the obesity epidemic on Canada's Listen Up TV with Lorna Dueck. Watch the video here.

>> BOOKS & GEAR: Structured workouts, detailed meal plans and 56 daily devotionals highlight our book "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days." Order yours at our online store today, or pick up a hat, shirt or wristband for your faith-and-fitness minded loved ones.