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What Did You Expect?

"Oh Lord, that you would bless me indeed and increase my land. Keep your hand upon me and protect me from the evil one, so that I may not cause pain." --1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Read: 1 Chronicles 4

With college basketball season in the rear view, I thought I'd share one of my favorite hard-court scenes. If you missed this last year, allow me the pleasure. A high school girl's basketball coach was bet by the students that he couldn't make a shot from half court. If he made it, they'd give him courtside tickets to the NCAA Final Four Tournament; a crown jewel to many a basketball fan. But in order to make the promised land of hoops, he'd have to make the shot...blindfolded.

Ok, I'll be quick...he made it alright. I mean, they gave him the ball, he dribbled it a couple times and woosh...nothin' but net. The students went crazy, probably because it was an unbelievable shot, but...also because they never had those tickets in the first place. Improbable odds with an impossible prize.

You know, I wonder what Noah thought, when he felt that first drop of rain. Or the look on Peter's face when his boat started sinking from all the fish he caught. I'm sure any doubts were either washed away or grilled.

Friends, it's time to pray big and give God the ball. He can make our one-in-a-million shots, with our eyes closed.

--Jimmy Peña

Question: What impossible dream are you shooting for? Perhaps it's something physical, of healing, of health, perhaps weight loss. Maybe it's a career decision, a calling. Whatever it is, what are you hoping and praying for with all your heart? We'd love to help you pray. Let us know!

WEIGHT LOSS: THE PROTEIN SOLUTION When it comes to losing weight, there's a lot of attention paid to how many calories you are eating. But at PrayFit, we're bigger believer in balance of calorie types. But almost universally, those trying to lose weight don't place enough of an emphasis on healthy protein. Which proteins are best for fat loss?

>> Click here for the answer.