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The Point Of It All

PrayFit Faithful, As we're about to resume devotions on a daily basis, I wanted to help set the stage for those who are new (and there are a lot of you, so welcome and thank you). And to those who have been with us for weeks, months or years, you know how much I cherish you; not sure there's a word I can type that can best express it.

But put plainly, Jesus is the point of our story. He's the point of our ministry. And the PrayFit veterans among you know that it's not simply a catch phrase. Amidst the waves of an out-of-balance fitness industry, we treat that truth like the life-preserver it is. We cling to it. Eyes closed and white-knuckled, we clutch it. He's the point of our health we can't miss.

As often as we can, we strive to help you see fitness through a biblical prism and allow God's word, characters, examples, stories and parables to guide, motivate, encourage, inspire, and transform our daily lives. You'll hear me say it often, but health is a faith battle. No matter where you are -- fit or unfit -- the bible has something to say to you about your body.

So as we begin a new chapter at PrayFit, let this simple prayer help start your week. Some of you have read it before and for others it's brand new. Either way, let it be a reminder that the weight you hold in your hands means nothing if you let opportunities to witness slip through them. More muscle is not your mission. Fitness is not your frontier. And on the other hand, if you're not honoring Him with your body, may this be a reminder that you were wonderfully created for an abundant life; a life designed to follow Him and recruit others to do the same.

Indeed, He's the point of your health I don't want you to miss. If you're looking for a life-preserver, you're in real good company. Grab hold. Welcome to a new week.

--Jimmy Peña


First, if you're reading this on your phone, you may have noticed that it's a little easier We've tried to make the PrayFit Daily mobile-friendly, so let us know if that meets your needs. Please share you thoughts in the comment section below.

Second, we've introduced some new merchandise on the store. The messages that we've humbly placed on the shirts and tanks are verses that the Apostle Paul and others wrote using physical metaphors as reminders of spiritual truths. We hope you enjoy wearing the message. It's through your giving that we can continue this ministry, and we're so grateful for you.


We're still working on our new Runner's Page but some really cool features are being implemented. If you're a runner and you'd like to see something specific on that page, NOW is the time to let us know. You can e-mail me personally at with comments about running. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

>> ON THE ROAD: I'll be speaking this Friday at the International Christian Wellness Conference. If you're in Phoenix, stop by and share a meal with me as we fellowship and worship with other health-minded believers. Click here for more info! To find out how to bring Jimmy to your next event, e-mail us for more info!