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Embrace Your Smallness

Truth is, I can't be reminded of it enough. Although some days present scenarios that help me realize it better than others, life has a way of offering a million visible souvenirs of one simple, solitary, certain fact: I am extremely small. lettadoorphotoThis picture I took of Loretta at the front door of the National Archives building in Washington D.C. last week provided such a jolt to my ever forgetful memory; a memory that wants pride to drape its blinding and extremely convincing veil across my eyes. As if any amount of temporary success, or healing, or health could somehow add height or depth to my otherwise feeble self. Cue the memento. As I snapped this pic of Loretta pretending to reach for the handle, I immediately remembered something Louie Giglio wrote:

"You and I are tiny. Miniscule. Microscopic. A momentary and infinitesimal blip on the timeline of the universe. Among us, the strongest of the strong can be felled in one faltering heartbeat. We are fleeting mortals. Frail flesh. Little specks. If this fact makes you just a tad bit uncomfortable, you're not alone. Invariably, when I talk about the vastness of God and the cosmos, someone will say, 'You're making me feel bad about myself and making me feel really, really small,' (as if that's the worst thing that could happen.) But the point is not to make you feel small, rather to help you see and embrace the reality that you are small...Really, really small." --Louie Giglio, excerpt from I Am Not But I Know I Am

Of course, it's not so much about how small we are but all about how big God is...really, really big. And yet despite how tiny we are relative to the cosmos, God, who can line up every planet of every galaxy in the palm of His hand, sent His Son to willingly die on the cross as penalty for my mistakes -- and for yours. All because a great, big God loves us.

So welcome to Monday. I hope you have a week full of great, big reminders of just how little you are. In fact, embrace your smallness. Relish it, celebrate it. Thank God for it. Can't open that door? He can. Can't close that one? He can. Can't seem to reach the handle? Yeah, that's okay, He can handle that too.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Will you promise to look for big reminders of your smallness this week? If something comes to mind, I'd love to hear about it.

Ladies Black Tank I Fought The Good Fight


Spiritually and physically, grace puts faith to work. Grace is why we "fight the good fight." We're blessed to be rolling out some new designs for shirts, tanks and caps and we hope they bless and capture your heart. In its powerful simplicity, this first one off the line will represent many things to many people. Some of you are coming off of a layoff, injury or illness, and you know you were able to get through it ONLY by His grace. For others, it's not a claim, but a goal for the day, the week or the rest of your life. Whoever you are, whatever your story -- physically or spiritually -- we're thankful to be on the battlefield with you. For His Renown.

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