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Watch What God Does

The other day on social media, I offered this challenge for those about to train. You may have been one of the many that accepted it, but if not, I wanted to lay it down here. 

Privately pray for someone you're training next to. Could be the person on the bike next to you, the lady in your yoga class, the guy doing leg extensions, a fellow runner...just pray for them. For their relationship with Jesus, their family, health, finances. Pick someone out and quietly enter Heaven on their behalf. (You don't have to lay hands on them), but just simply talk to God about them. Like you and me, they need help. You may not even know their name. And when you smile at them, they may never know that you've just talked to the God of the universe about them. And that's cool. The challenge is set. No fanfare, no attention, no likes, just love. Pray for the people you train next to. Watch what God does.

As we close out the week, will you commit to this? If so, would you say "amen" in the comments section? Let's be a quiet, praying army today.

-Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Are you a member of PrayFit? A little known secret is that we have a membership at It's a new space where we house the PrayFit Small Group Curriculum (new every week and month for you and your friends), as well as a growing database of exercise physiology videos, articles, fitness and nutrition expertise and the upcoming challenges and movement tutorials. Pretty neat.  Your membership allows us to maintain the scope and breath of what God has called us to to do at PrayFit. Hope you join the fellowship! And thank you for your constant support and prayers.