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It Was Time To Race

As I waited to see if we were going to witness the first Triple Crown winner in 37 years, I found myself thinking about my favorite horse of all time, Citation. Citation competed in the 40's. Amazing horse, and most experts see Citation in the top 3 horses of all time (Secretariat, Man o' War) and Citation was one of only three non-humans on Sports Illustrated's list of the top 100 athletes of the 20th century. 

What I love about Citation is the story about the time when he won his last race. See, he'd reached his limit and was set to be retired. Well, as they attempted to take his picture in the winner's circle, he wouldn't settle down. He was so excited, they had trouble putting the flowers on him. Nobody could contain him until his trainer entered the scene. He took Citation and turned him around and then the trainer asked the crowd to make an opening so that Citation could see down the track.

Immediately, Citation grew calm. His head lowered. His ears peaked. His body stilled. Then the trainer called for the flowers and the photographer and for everyone to gather round. They got their picture.

When asked what made the difference, the trainer said, "All you ever had to do was point Citation toward the track. All you had to do was let him know it was time to race."

Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: What do you take away from Citation's story? I get so much. Focus is one thing. Purpose is another. And of course, the trainer who knew what to do. I'd like us to look at the start of this week much like that very moment when Citation fixed his eyes on the track. Is that ok? Whether about our health, family or career, you and I are divinely called and gracefully equipped for a purpose today and this week. Are you focused on it? God knows where to lead us and how to get our attention.