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Those Watching


I mentioned this on social media over the weekend, but this pic reminds me of Hebrews 12, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses..."

This is how I want to train; with this mindset. Why we take bodily stewardship as seriously as we take modesty and humility, and why it's a battle each and every day. Why we want to use our health to serve the less fortunate. Not to be seen, but because of who's watching.

This is the heart behind a 2017 initiative being launched soon. The iPrayFit Project is the most exciting endeavor God has ever placed on our hearts. I personally have never been more humbled or thrilled at a mountain. We've had a few books and DVD's, but all of that was only to prepare us for this. All the illness, all the tough times, everything; all for this time. Can I ask you to pray for me and Loretta as we move forward with this? Nothing would mean more to me. And as you do, list your prayer requests and we will lift your name.

Have a good week everyone. Grow in grace.
- Jimmy