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Great Lengths

Today many of us will leave work early. Some of us will be making trips to the grocery store yet again.  Others will be boarding planes, departing trains and loading up automobiles. We'll battle the weather, the traffic and time zones. There's something special about Thanksgiving. You know, something tells me the Lord loves to see us listing blessings, enjoying food, family, sharing memories and making new ones. Guys, I sure to hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Among the blessings I will share with Loretta as we give thanks tomorrow will be you. I thank the good Lord for you and I pray that wherever you spend Thanksgiving, you'll be reminded of Jesus and the joy of salvation.

And yes, about the food. If it means listening to your family tell their stories (even if you know how they end); or if it means sharing Jesus with neighbors when you don't know your next opportunity; or if it means agreeing to split that extra helping with someone who has no place to call home; or if it means having one more bite out of respect for aging grandparents or for the spouse hosting the family as the first-time cook, or simply because it's your favorite meal of the year, don't hesitate. For some of us, one of the godliest things we can do on Thanksgiving is "sabotage" our diets.

Happy Thanksgiving. Much love from my home to yours.

- Jimmy

We're joining the fun of cyber weekend beginning Friday. We're offering a Lifetime Membership opportunity through Monday. No monthly dues for small group curriculum, exercise physiology, nutrition and culinary advice from Dana Angelo White of the Food Network and personalized time! (Ok, that last point may not add much value, but I hope you join the iPrayFit Membership. All proceeds go to charity. If 100 people join, we will be able to help an entire community gain access to clean water...FOR LIFE.