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God Ran Ahead

Preparing for the PrayFit 5K on April 14th, the team is actively going over all the details. In fact, the heavy rain in California this week reminds me of the time Loretta ran the Big Sur Marathon in Central California. Big Sur is arguably one of the most difficult -- and beautiful -- marathons in the country. Known for it's brutal hills as much as its breathtaking views, if there's one race to run each year, this is it. But a month prior to the race, the runners were notified that due to landslides and weather, the course would need to change.

So the day before the race, thousands of runners met to get the new information and to participate in a group Q&A. You could actually feel the apprehension and tension in the air, as thousands of healthy lungs held their breath.

After all, running a marathon is tough enough, but an untested course? That's another thing altogether. But it wasn't until the race director himself took the podium that the atmosphere changed and oxygen was allowed back into the room. With one brief phrase, panic turned to peace and chaos to calm. "I've run the course," he said. "It's tough, it's beautiful, but it's ready for you."

Much like Big Sur, the course of our marathon days is unpredictable. But God ran ahead. He promises we won't run into anything that He doesn't allow. He knows the course. It's tough, it's beautiful. And because of Him, we're ready for it.

- Jimmy Peña

The PrayFit 5K MEDAL: When the team received the options for the medal you'll receive when you run the PrayFit 5K either here in Los Angeles or from your own hometown, we could  not make up our minds. All of the options were awesome. So, I had an idea. I sent them all to Jordan's mom and asked her if she wouldn't mind asking him which one he liked. Without hesitation, he chose what you see below. It was his call to make. (Hurry and register!)