Show Me

Living by grace means daily affirming our unworthiness.
— Randy Alcorn

If there’s ever been a time to remind ourselves of grace and truth, it’s now. Amen? There’s actually a great little book on the subject called, “The Grace and Truth Paradox” by Randy Alcorn. It's a tiny book. I finished it in a few hours. I highly recommend it.

The thesis? Christlike balance.
My summary? Truth is the price tag of our redemption. Grace pays it.

To stay in my lane of course - Jesus - perfect in grace and truth - is our example as leaders, as fitness experts, as stewards and servants.

When it comes to PrayFit Ministries, I want nothing more than to follow Jesus in all we say and do. For years, we've tried to keep a balance of grace and truth in our approach to health and sickness, fitness and suffering. Never putting too much emphasis on the body while being careful not to put less emphasis on it than God would have us. If I’ve learned anything it’s that we need the direction of truth about our bodies to help us do what we need to do for His renown, and we need the constant reminder of grace that allows us to achieve any of it.

My wife is studying and preparing to lead a Bible study for hundreds of women beginning this week. They’ll be studying the Book of James. Known as the Proverbs of the New Testament, James puts faith to work. It’s the show me book. If you love me, show me.

Words, words, words!
Sing me no song.
Read me no rhyme.
Don't waste my time,
Show me.
Don't talk of June,
Don't talk of fall.
Don't talk at all.
Show me.

That’s not James, those are lyrics from My Fair Lady - if you know your musicals - but they pierce me. I can empathize with Audrey Hepburn being “up to here” with words. My own, that is. That’s why I am so excited about a few upcoming announcements at PrayFit.

PrayFit U. and The Wheelhouse


The first exciting element at PrayFit will be our PrayFit Certification for fitness experts and dietitians, families and siblings in the area of special needs and disabilities. On one hand, trainers and experts will bolster their sensitivity, knowledge and expand their resumes by including special populations via the trusted banner of PrayFit, while most importantly, gyms and fitness centers will become more and more inviting and welcoming to kids and families that desperately need their services.

Nestled inside PrayFit U. will be courses within the Schools of 1) Grace and Suffering, 2) Exercise Physiology, 3) Culinary Arts and 4) The PrayFit Certification. There will also be paid affiliate opportunities and volunteer ambassador duties. Unreal what God is allowing. Our motto at PrayFit has always been, “We Are The Body.” You can become part of the first class. The Student Body. Pretty neat?

The Wheelhouse
The other campaign which has taken me by storm lives inside “The Body.” It’s called The Wheelhouse; where we train legs for the specific purpose of purchasing wheelchairs. Spending last year working closely with Joni and Friends Disability ministry, the word wheelhouse came to me. The Wheelhouse was born in my mind because of “wheels” - representing disability and the crisis of mobility. “House” was lifted from Luke 14 where Jesus told the parable of the banquet and to make sure that they go quickly into the streets to find the lame and blind…”so that my house will be full.


A Revolution
70 million people live without the gift of mobility, which means, they have no way of getting from one room to the next. And of those 70 million, only 10% of them have access to the most basic of resources to help them make their way to the bathroom, or from their home to school, or to a friend’s house.

All they need is a wheelchair.

The majority of those stuck in this crisis live in isolated areas and spend their lives forgotten, abandoned and in some cases shamed. But when a person gets access to a wheelchair, it changes everything.

It can improve mental and physical health, increase access to food, grow local economies, and help kids attend school or church; to say nothing about what it does to their self-esteem, confidence and their future.

The mobility crisis is huge, but it is solvable. We will work with partners like Joni and Friends who collect, refurbish and distribute wheelchairs. It’s that simple. It’s just not being done. PrayFit wants to bring the fitness industry to the doorstep of this crisis and help solve it. The most active population in the least passive fundraising endeavor ever.

Words. Words. Words. “Faith and fitness.” We can say those two words so much that we don’t do anything (for anyone) with either. Which can also be said for words like, “Bodily stewardship” and “Honoring God with our bodies.” For me and mine, for this little motley crew, for this little group of 2nd mountain climbers, we want to take James at his word. We yearn to look “grace and truth” in the eyes without budging on the tightrope, taking that fair lady in our arms, pulling her close as she sings.

Enough words.

- Jimmy Peña

Which new element are you most excited about? The PrayFit U or The Wheelhouse? Someone who helps me in this poll will get a complimentary t-shirt from your favorite. (NOTE: If you’re a monthly donor to the Body, you will get these automatically as gifts when they launch in a couple weeks.)



Do The Work


The Respect We Protect