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For Heaven's Sake

"You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." --1 Corinthians 6:20

Read: 1 Corinthians 6

C.S. Lewis once said, "Aim at Heaven, and you get earth thrown in. Aim at earth, and you get neither." Since we know God looks at the heart, what does that mean in terms of our physical health? Truth is, somewhere between vanity and gluttony lies abundant living. And ironically, the mirror exposes that dual reality; that our reflection doesn't matter for Heaven, but our precious care for it can point others there. Our balanced approach to physical fitness can be an indicator to others of not only our gratitude, but also of how serious we take God's commands.

So, whether you're too focused on what the mirror reveals, or you haven't given it enough thought, it's time to pursue abundant health.

For Heaven's sake, it's time.

--Jimmy Peña


>> PRICELESS: Take joy in working on something that the Lord gave you...

>> TO THE PRAYFIT FAITHFUL: Building a fitter, more faithful nation, one share at a time

>> A SEA OF OBSTACLES: No matter how you got to the water's edge, it is crossable

>> DAD IN THE STANDS: a perfect average isn’t possible, but He’s with us for every at-bat so let's make each day we swing count?


>> WORKOUT: Looking for a new challenge? Try this weight-based DVD from the PrayFit team

>> SHARING: Tools to get your friends and family healthier and stronger

>> HEALTH NEWS: How much weight do you have to lose to improve your blood sugar control?

>> COMMITMENT: How small changes can add up to big results

SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Health as a means of praise. Do you think your church could benefit from this message? Write us today to find out how to bring PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena to your next Sunday service!