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Kiss The Walls

"Then I heard the Lord asking, 'Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?' I said, 'Here I am. Send me.'" --Isaiah 6:8

Read: Isaiah 6

We often pray for God to send us where He wants us to go. You've probably said, "Here I am Lord...send me."  Well, when Paul was put in prison, he kissed the walls. He figured he had a captive audience, and if this is where God wanted him, he was gonna rattle some chains.

So take a look around you. Survey your surroundings. Do you have a captive audience? You may not be in prison, but perhaps God has cleverly placed you right where He wants you. Any family members come to mind? What about your next door neighbor, or the person in the next cubicle, or that handful of people you see each day at the gym. Would Paul consider them captive? Perhaps it's time to kiss the walls and rattle some chains. If you've prayed, "Here I am Lord, send me", maybe He already has.

--Jimmy Peña

30,000 FEET: By the time you read this, I'll be well on my way to spend time on The 700 Club, talking about our new book, The PrayFit Diet. Thank you for your prayers. So honored to be asked to sit with the great people of the CBN. Humbled and honored!

>> You can see Jimmy on The 700 Club LIVE this Thursday, April 10. For air times with your provider, click here or visit The 700 Club homepage. Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 8.51.30 PM

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