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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

A Little Ditty

"For physical training is of some value, but training in godliness has value now and in the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8

Read: 1 Timothy 4

I'm likely giving away my age when I remind you of one of my favorite praise and worship songs, "I Just Came To Praise The Lord." Anyone?...Anyone?

"I just came to praise the Lord. I just came to praise the Lord. I just came to praise His holy name. I just came to praise the Lord."

Classic, right? On more than one occasion, I've felt like that in church. Shake hands, wave at friends, but get me to my seat, I need to talk to Jesus. I felt like that on my walk yesterday. I didn't set any land speed records, but I logged 3.12 miles. It's always such a good time talking to the Lord, cleansing my heart, clearing my mind, praying for family, asking for wisdom, planning excellence. Far beyond the physical benefits the walking is doing to my recovery -- being over a month removed from major back surgery -- my training has always been an extension of my quiet time. Sure, each stride sends vital nutrients to aid in healing, but my "walk" is more important.

Try it. Next time you hit the gym or go for your jog, remember today's little ditty. As you raise those weights overhead, remember the ultimate burden He lifted. As you run your miles, recall the distance He went to call you His own. And I know, the world will demand that you "focus" on the goal, the reason you're in the gym or on the road. And your response can either be spoken or sung, because in truth, you are focusing on the goal and the reason you're in the gym.

--Jimmy Peña

A Little Ditty with Jimmy: Old habits die hard, because 20-plus years ago -- during my really heavy lifting days -- my best lifts always came when my heart was right, my mind was focused and my motives were pure. If I was worried, convicted, or struggling somehow, I just wasn't my best. The habit of praying before each workout became a habit I would take into each set and each rest period, until my training became an extension of my quiet time. Trust me, while I had the Rocky soundtrack blaring in my ears, I had grace and forgiveness coursing through my heart. I even remember specific prayers, mantras even, that I'd say to the Lord. Funny, I still do. Even as I blaze through -- okay, limp through -- my 3.12 miles.


One of the most challenging exercises that you can do for your abs is the double crunch -- which is featured in our workout of the week -- because it hits your abs hard from top to bottom. Here's how to get it right.

Double Crunch | Focus: Upper abs, lower abs | (VIDEO) Lie down on the floor with your legs straight, feet together. Place your hands gently behind your head and raise your feet off the floor roughly six inches. Crunch your upper body off the floor while simultaneously bringing your knees toward your torso, so that your upper body meets your lower body in the middle. Squeeze and return to the start, allowing your legs to remain above the floor throughout.


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

A Strong Church

"For physical training is of some value, but training in godliness has value now and in the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8

Read: 1 Timothy 4

Many of you know how much I appreciate Dr. Charles Stanley of First Baptist, Atlanta. And outside of my sweet Brother Henry Powell who led me to Jesus, I consider Dr. Stanley a trusted pastor and mentor. Well, I had the pleasure of visiting his church again last Sunday. His topic: What makes a strong church? I grinned with anticipation in my chair, because I like it when he gets practical. And while I won't list all of the qualities he mentioned, I wanted to share a few.

Doctrinally sound. He said that if the church neglects the Word of God, we're weak.

Faith beneath the surface. He said that every Sunday in a room below the pulpit, a group of men pray for him and for the audience.

Genuine, committed and organized. Genuine love for each member, committed to the purpose of spreading the Gospel, and practically organized to deliver the message.

As he finished preaching, he asked two questions: "What are you doing to contribute to the strength of your church?" and "If others followed your pattern, will the church be strong?"

And now you know why I was grinning. Because I believe that our lives, our bodies and overall health could benefit greatly if we treated them like a church. If you're with me say "Amen." Consider the practical parallels.

1. If we neglect the Word each day, we are absolutely weak. Our might is not in our muscle or bone, but in our spirit. 2. Without faith beneath the surface, there is no service. Pretty is as pretty does. 3. With a genuine, committed and organized approach to honoring the body that God so lovingly designed, we can be even more effective in serving others with our God-given message.

And so humbly, if you would allow me to do as Dr. Stanley did and ask you two questions: What are you doing to contribute to the strength of your church? And if others followed your pattern, would their church be strong?

–Jimmy Peña

Commit: Spend 10 minutes each day reading God's word and praying. Then and only then, pursue physical goals. Will you make this commitment?


Convenience of exercise is one of the greatest determining factors in program adherence. In other words, the easier a workout is to get in, the less likely you will be to skip it. For a great many people, home workouts are best. Team PrayFit's two workout DVDs provide challenging, results-driven, at-home workouts that are guaranteed to help you build a stronger, healthier body -- without having to venture out to a franchise gym. So far, the reviews on our latest DVD -- the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System -- are outstanding! Click here to read what others are saying! For a sneak peek at what you can expect in our newest offering, click the video player below. To order now, click here.

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

A Training Prayer

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8

Read: 1 Timothy 4

Life is not about the body, but our health is a means of praise. So this week, before that first rep, regardless of what workout you are taking to the gym with you, take a few moments and whisper this prayer, quietly taking stock of the ultimate goal: to honor the One who created you.

Lord, please bless my workout. As I train my arms, let it remind me that I'm held tightly in Yours. As I work my legs, let it be only to follow you more closely. When I work my chest, may it be safely under a breastplate of righteousness. And when I hit my back, I'll recall that I'll never be attacked by surprise. And finally Lord, allow my beating heart to grow stronger, knowing that's exactly where You live. Yes Lord, please bless my workout. I'm a temple, here to worship.

In Jesus' name, I train, Amen.

--Jimmy Peña

THE JOYS OF SOY New research shows additional benefits to this maligned protein source

Soy protein, which is derived from soybeans, has been mischaracterized as a testosterone-blunting, inferior protein source that can do little to speed muscle recovery. But Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" says that soy is, in fact, has been proven an effective protein source by over a dozen studies.

"These previous studies also demonstrated that soy protein led to gains in muscle mass equivalent to whey protein," Stoppani adds.

And new research in the journal Nutrition showed soy to be effective at reducing stress, improving brain circulation and boosting immunity.

>> Try mixing in 10 grams of soy protein with your 10-20 grams of whey post-workout to start increasing muscle recovery and boosting brain health.

For more from Jim Stoppani, PhD, visit his website at

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


December 31, 2010Read: 1 Timothy

"For physical training is of some value, but training in godliness has value now and in the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8

Friends, here we are. Let us be some of the first to wish you a very happy new year. We want to thank all of you for your faithfulness to PrayFit. It's been an honor to spend time with you each day.

And as we watch the sun set on one year and rise on another, we want to encourage you to continue pursuing your faith and fitness goals in 2011 with all your heart. In fact, today I did an interview promoting our book and I was asked how busy people with no time for prayer and exercise can put our book to good use. My eyes widened and my mouth watered. I felt like Derek Jeter at a tee ball game.

She probably regretted asking, but that one question reflects the mindset of the majority of Americans today. As a whole, we struggle to find the time for daily faith and fitness, when in truth they're the solutions to our country's direst needs. Of course, we're all guilty of getting too busy, but we don't need more hours in the day, just more of Him in ours.

So may that continue to be our humble yet vigorous pursuit -- a daily dedication to the Lord, family, work and health. See you next year!

In Jesus' name, we train.

Jimmy Pena Founder, PrayFit

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 7, 2010 "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8

As we strive -- and struggle -- to live more like Jesus, it's important to immerse ourselves in God's word on a daily basis. But an extension of Christ-like living, whether we realize it or not, is exercise (1 Timothy 4:8) -- because Jesus did a lot of it, mostly through walking. Sure, most of that was out of necessity but you can bet that He was pretty fit. Would you believe that Jesus walked over 3,000 miles during his ministry? Click the link below and marvel at the mileage He racked up. Then, lace up your shoes and take a walk! WWJD?


>> FORUM: Does God call us to be fit? See what others are saying and leave your thoughts in our forums or by clicking comments below.

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