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August 10, 2011Read: Exodus 14

"But the Israelites went through the sea on dry ground, with a wall of water on their right and on their left." --Exodus 14: 29

If you've been following us on PrayFit, I know it seems we can't get out of the desert, but let's rewind the tape. Moses was reluctant, but he led the Israelites out of bondage, motivated and on their way. Then came the Red Sea. Uh...Moses?

The reason we're stopping here at the banks is because we received countless e-mails on Monday expressing gratitude for the motivation, but that the workout of the week wasn't feasible and in some cases it was too difficult for valid reasons. Felt like you received encouragement yet immediately faced an impasse? Well, with water up to his knees, and Pharaoh breathing down his back, Moses could relate to you and me. We've got health issues chasing us but seemingly impossible challenges blocking our escape.

Friends, we have to remember that it's not about a particular workout or routine, but rather it's whatever you can do, enjoy doing, and can strive to improve upon from one day to the next. For some, that means a brisk walk around the block, for others it's pumping iron at the local gym. Truth is, we all have our own personal seas to cross, so stay encouraged. God is able, so stay available. No matter how you got to the water or how you plan to get to the other side, it's not impossible...the sea is crossable.



"Researchers find that even a relatively small loss of weight can have a significant benefit in blood sugar control, regardless of how you lose the weight."

--Andrew J. Ahmann, M.D., medical director of the Oregon Health and Science University Diabetics Center

Source: "Sugar Nation" by Jeff O'Connell

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