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If You're Thirsty

"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again." --John 4:14

Read: John 4

Remember drinking from the water hose outside as kids? Nothing better, right? After football games, baseball practice or riding bikes, we had the kind of unbearable thirst only known to children. Whoever got there first knew to let the hot water get out of the line before drinking. Can't you just taste it? Best water in the world. Of course, being the youngest kid in the universe, I was always last in line, but I didn't mind. I knew that by the time it was my turn, I could just take my time.

The story surrounding our verse is about a woman who met Jesus at the well. She was looking for one kind of water but her Savior knew she needed another. Her life was in shambles and she was thirsty. Had she continued along the path she was on, she'd be lost forever. But the Bible says Jesus told her of her sin, and that if she drank living water, she'd never thirst again.

Folks, just like water is critical for our physical thirst, the thirst of the spirit is unquenchable without Jesus. As His children, we can't lift enough weights, run enough miles or drop enough pounds to fulfill our direst need. That's why we never place too much emphasis on the physical, but on our heart towards health. Like her well, the mirror will never quench you of anything, no matter how many times you look. So today, go to the well. Let's be kids again. His children. If it's the first time -- or the first time in a long time -- He has water if you're thirsty.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Do you remember those days as kids? What about now? Are you thirsty, longing to be fulfilled spiritually and physically so that you can be more effective for the Lord?

Brooke BoonINTRO TO HOLY YOGA Learn more about the philosophy and founder of this worldwide health phenomenon

Brooke Boon wants you to be healthy. She wants you to be flexible and vibrant. But mostly, she just wants you to know Jesus. And she has devoted her life's work to helping you do all of it. The founder of Holy Yoga - an internationally thriving movement whose outreach supports mission work, holds faith retreats and develops Bible studies - Brooke is regularly confronted with the reluctance of Christians to participate in yoga programs. Here, she clears up the controversies surrounding the practice and explains what sets Holy Yoga apart from the rest of the posing crowd.

>> What is Holy Yoga? Click here for the answers!

>> Be sure to check back tomorrow as Brooke Boon walks us through the first of three foundational poses for yoga newbies.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


August 5, 2011Read: Exodus 14

"It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” --Exodus 14:12

Before the Israelites crossed into the promised land, they found themselves in no man's land. They were in the middle of the harshest desert in the world, after all. They had long since left the paradoxical security of pharoah's bondage where, despite being in captivity, they were provided food, water and accommodations at night. Their GPS? The footsteps of a stuttering man and his brother.

Walking aimlessly day after day under the punishing African sun, survival instinct began to wash over them. Hunger, thirst, frustration and fear had started to erode the already tenuous faith that they had placed in Moses and Aaron. But they were stuck. Both before them and behind them lie vast, hopeless stretches of scorching hot sand, with nary a nibble of food or a drop of water in sight. What to do?

Then Moses laid it out: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

When we find ourselves wandering in the desert, we'd be well served by continuing boldly on the course that He's set for us. If we do, thirsting only for the water that gives life, reaching the sand's horizon will be eternally more rewarding. Moses assured the Israelites that even though fear lies ahead, God lives above. How's that for a compass?



Q: How can drinks be zero calorie? Doesn't everything take energy to be digested by your body and wouldn't that make these beverages inherently caloric?

A: Since these types of beverages are mostly water (plus artificial sweeteners, which are chemicals), they contain virtually no calories. Water is absorbed by most cells by simple diffusion and similar pathways that do not require energy so the calorie expediture is considered negligible. The effects that the chemicals may have will vary depending on the type, but do not have much to do with caloric intake or expenditure.

>> DID YOU KNOW? Research shows that people may over-rely on diet drinks, consuming more calories than usual because of the perceived caloric deficit. Temper your consumption of these beverages, instead getting the bulk of your fluid from water. Aim to consume about half of your bodyweight in ounces of water per day. A 160-pound person should aim for around 80 ounces from sun-up to lights out.

PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.


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