Me Time. His Terms.

I recently watched Francis Chan discuss a chapter from his book "Crazy Love" and in this video curriculum he talked about - of all topics - an autopsy. Fortunately, he said, he wasn't able to be there in person, but that maybe there's something healthy about seeing a body laying on a table and realizing that it will be us someday. Francis went on to say that "Sometimes we have too high a regard for human bodies and life on earth." 

King Solomon said, "It's better to go to a house of mourning than a house that is feasting, because death is the destiny of every man and the living should take this to heart." (Ecclesiastes 7:2)

Nothing like a house of mourning speech to put a spring in our step this Wednesday, but seriously guys, let's set goals. Real, godly goals. What would that look like for us today? Maybe it's as simple as: Get to the gym worshipping. Train worshipping. Leave worshipping. After all, what is it about our workouts that will last 100 years from now? A couple that come to mind: 1) Our conversations with God and 2) the love we have for His children.

So, smile. Invite someone to church. Shake hands. Offer spots. Pray for someone. Ask someone to pray for you. Love more than you lift. Spend your "me time" on His terms. That's crazy love.

-Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: If today were your last workout, how would you spend it? If you knew - that by the time your hour is over, - you'd be face to face with the maker of your little muscles, how would your hour be filled? Would it be filled with more effort or more affection? More diligence or more dependence? More planning or more praying? I'd love to hear from you. This is important.  


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