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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

You Don't Have To

"Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good." --Psalm 25:7

Read: Psalm 25 Earlier this week I received the most incredible and undeserved invitation. Details to come, but later this Fall, Loretta and I will be special guests at Baylor University, my alma mater. In the days leading up to a special Saturday event, we'll have the unique opportunity of speaking to students, staff and the community. We're so blessed and excited. Can I get a "Sic'em Bears?"

You know, the idea of going back and showing Loretta some of my old stomping grounds after all these years is already making my heart pound. I've even started taking notes on things I want to be sure and discuss with the students in particular. Oh man, to be able to go back and talk to a younger Jimmy Peña.  What would I tell him? (Other than to enjoy his hair line while he can and to eat more fiber. He'll just have to trust me on both.) So many things come to mind. But one thing I know, I'd make sure to find my way to old Russell Gym. I'd stand right next to young Jimmy as he eyed his next lift. While the gang of Russell Rats yell and scream in one ear, I'd whisper in the other, "You don't have to. You don't have to lift that much weight."

Carrying the weight of the past gets heavy, does it not? Yesterday's mistakes can feel heavier than a 500-pound bar across your back. I know, because I've carried both. But like the old Gaither hymn reminds me as I type this sentence:

"I'm free from the fear of tomorrow. I'm free from the guilt of my past. I've traded my shackles for a glorious song. I'm free. Praise the Lord, free at last."

If you're carrying yesterday's burden today, the Cross of Jesus says we don't have to. And we have the most incredible and undeserved invitation to embrace it.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Even though I know I would change some things in my past, I believe the good Lord has worked it all out. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I hadn't gone through some of my mistakes and wrong turns, I wouldn't be living the life I live today. Share your story. Give us your comments below. And have a great weekend everyone.

LISTEN, WATCH, INVITE: Life is not about the body. Our health is a means of praise. This fundamental message, which has become the heart of PrayFit in the last several years, has always been at the heart of Jimmy's philosophy on exercise and nutrition. But to put it in a paragraph here doesn't do it justice -- to hear it from the man himself is a convicting experience for anyone who has the opportunity. Use the links below to explore what we mean...

Listen >> Many of Jimmy's favorite devotionals are available here as audio files. Click here to "hear" PrayFit's founder articulate his passion for your health.

Watch >> The mission of PrayFit isn't six-pack abs -- it's stewardship. Click here for a video compilation of Jimmy's heartfelt message about caring for the bodies that carry these souls.

Invite >> Finally, if this is a message that you feel your family, your church or your community, then reach out to us today to find out how you can bring Jimmy to your next Sunday service or event. Click here for more info.

For additional PrayFit resources, such as books or DVDs, click here.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Trust My Guts

"There is no one who understands. No one seeks after God." --Romans 3:11

Read: Romans 3

I've been updating my bio and resume. Ever had to do that? It's not easy, especially the older you get. I ponder, Where to start? and What to highlight? As I sigh, the blinking cursor on my screen seems to be in perfect cadence with the sound of a thunderous, slow drum. Bong! Bong! Bong! I do my best to summarize my work. I try my hardest to sum up the years. But my first draft misses the mark as badly as I missed the trash can with it.

We are not our resume, are we? I kinda want to just write, I'm saved by grace, I married up, wrote some books. And oh, trust me when I tell you I have heart. Recently, our friend Allison Earnst sent me a plaque that simply says, "God Give Me Guts." And He did. He does. He will. That's what I'd like to tell prospective opportunities. Trust my guts. My strengths are best illustrated by my weaknesses, not awards. Call me sentimental -- granted I type this in tears -- but having spent the last five-plus years making sure nothing we say at PrayFit ever sounds boastful, selling myself along with the specialness of PrayFit just seems off for me.

Friends, getting through trials doesn't reveal our strength. (No, the trials do a pretty good job of that.) Getting through trials reveals God's grace and produces our character. That's why for my latest job description I'd be more comfortable simply writing I got up. Indeed, God allowed me to get up to keep fighting the good fight. But as I rise and wipe the dust off my back, I can't pat.

Well, enough of that, I guess. I finished it. Hopefully the page reads like I wrote it. But friends, it's not that I don't give myself a little credit for the good stuff, it's that I can't give myself any. The good in me and you? God. All the rest? Me and you.

–Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Yesterday we talked about goals. We loved the responses and the swing-for-the-fence objectives. And much like my lofty aspirations, achieving yours or accomplishing each perfectly doesn't determine the worth of each. It's in the heart behind them and the goal before them. Like Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena. Who strive valiantly. Who know the great enthusiasms. The great devotions. And who spend themselves for a worthy cause. Who, if they succeed, know the triumph of high achievement. And who -- if they fail -- fail while daring greatly. So that their place will never be, with those cold and timid souls, who knew neither victory or defeat." I suspect there are no cold and timid souls reading this page today, amen? God gets the credit.


Health as a means of praise. This fundamental message, which is sorely overlooked in this growing industry, is one that is affecting congregations and communities across the country. And yours could be next. Write us today at [email protected] to find out how you can bring PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña to your next event or Sunday service. Click (and share) the video below for a preview of this powerful, transformative message!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

He Put It In Writing

"Love one another." --John 13:34

Read: John 13

If you couldn't find me yesterday, chances are good that I was busy at the Hallmark store. You know, it's tough to find a card with the right words. Most of them don't even come close to saying what I would actually say. Like many a husband, I waited 'til the last minute to find the one thing that matters most to my wife: the card. (See, today is her birthday).

Sure, I could come home with chocolate, flowers and diamonds, but if I were to forget the card, I may as well have forgotten her name. If I've learned anything after 17 years it's that jewelry may reach her hand, but words find her heart. And her reaction says it all.

Friends, God gave us the world, but He didn't stop there. No, He didn't want the world to be the closest we get to Heaven, so He said exactly what He meant and put it in writing. And what matters most to Him -- our reaction -- well, that says it all.

--Jimmy Peña

P.S. By the way, I never did find the right card yesterday. But as it turns out, they make some that are blank inside... GET IN ON THE DISCUSSION Read, comment or start your own string in our online community

WORKOUT JOURNALS >> Eric Gonzalez: 35-year-old dad getting back on track

>> Momof2darlings: How one mother insists on getting healthier...NOW

FAITH >> Peter Ryan: Desperate and in need of some spiritual guidance

>> Prayer Requests: List your needs, or just pray for others

FITNESS >> Morning Exercise: How do you get motivated for early training?

BECOME A MEMBER: Not yet a member of our forums? Click here to get started.

ALREADY A MEMBER?: Click here to sign-in.

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Daddy, Daddy

"He fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.'" --Matthew 26:39

Read: Matthew 26

Ella's scream has a way of piercing ears but this morning, it broke my heart. In the arms of her swim instructor, who was imparting what my wife and I know are vital and potentially life-saving skills, a hysterical Ella reached out to me. "Daddy, daddy!" she cried, over and over. All I wanted to do was to take her hand, to let her know it would be okay, to reassure her that I would never let any harm come to her. Instead, I walked out.

I swallowed the lump of parental guilt in my throat when I remembered how important this lesson would be. She would have to suffer so that she could be taught. Turning away, in this case, was how I could best protect her.

God could have saved His son. He could have taken the cup (v. 39) as Jesus begged Him to do. With his only son "overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death," God could have easily interceded on his behalf. Instead, against every Paternal instinct and with His heart breaking, He did nothing.

When her 15 minutes were up, she sat smiling in Wendy's lap, feasting on a lollipop, the reward for her brief aquatic ordeal. At the pool, I turned away so that Ella could learn. In the garden, God turned away so that we could live.

--Eric Velazquez 

PRAYFIT TEAMS WITH HEAVENUP.COM PrayFit joins MercyMe, Phillips Craig & Dean and many more Christian artists and authors in, a new faith-based social networking site. HeavenUp, which is being called a "virtual fellowship" will also feature devotionals from the PrayFit team.

>> For the full story, click here.

>> Start your own account and friend PrayFit by registering here!

COMMUNITY Visit these hot topics on the PrayFit forums to offer encouragement, experience and insight

Started today! by Kangel

RUNNERS by admin

Belly fat won't budge by ChrisLawrence

Any servicemen or servicewomen on here? by admin

My Untitled Workout Journal by string

John's Challenge 33/33 by JohnBMc

>> Not yet registered for our forums? Click here to get started!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Two Men, One Cross

"Carry each other's burdens." --Galatians 6:2

Read: Galatians 6

Uphill battles. If anyone understood the phrase, Simon did. Simon of Cyrene was of course the man who helped Jesus carry the cross up the hill toward Calvary. In one moment, a bystander. The next, a cross bearer. He did literally what you and I are called to do figuratively. Little did he know the example he was setting. I wonder if he knew his sin would soon be nailed to the tree he carried.

Uphill battles. If anyone understood the phrase, Jesus did. Yet Jesus knew that what He faced, He had to face alone. Nobody on earth, above or below, could take His place as He took ours. The thought of you and me facing our days without hope was enough to kill Him. The weight of the cross and our helplessness were more than He could bear.

Simon and Jesus. Two men, one cross and an uphill battle.

--Jimmy Peña

IMAGINE: It took both Simon and Jesus to get our cross up the hill. All our debts, cancelled. Satan's threats, cancelled. Imagine having to deal with those alone. What would you say to Simon for helping Jesus with your cross?

COMMUNITY COUNTS Here's what people are saying on the PrayFit forums. Let your experiences bless others! PrayFit book versus PrayFit DVD - How are the two related?

John's Challenge 33/33 - Following a PrayFit newbie's journey

Any servicemen or servicewomen on here? - Bringing our homeland defenders into our forums

The Prayfit workout question - Giving sound advice and inspiration to a motivated member

Post-exercise headache - What's normal? What's the fix?

>> Not yet a member of the PrayFit forums? Register by clicking here.

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

But Even If He Doesn't

But even if he doesn't, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up. Daniel 3:18

Read: Daniel 3

Dr. Charles Stanley can often be heard saying, "Be obedient and leave the consequences to God." Kinda sums it up doesn't it? Go ahead and apply it to any circumstance you're facing. Trouble in a relationship? Making a decision about money? Need to trust God with a health issue? Be obedient and leave the consequences to God. Stands up, doesn't it?

Speaking of standing up, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego lived it. At the edge of a fiery furnace, they had a decision. Bow to an idol or be thrown in a furnace. They chose faith, believing that God would deliver them from the very fire that tested it. But then they said, "But even if He doesn't." That part of the verse has taken up residence inside my heart this week.

They didn't jump knowing they'd be delivered. They jumped knowing the Deliverer. I'm shaking my head as I type this sentence. I want an "Even if He doesn't" kind of faith. Save me, help me, heal me. But even if He doesn't...

--Jimmy Peña


Add to the nation's fastest-growing faith-and-fitness community today in 3 easy steps

1 SUBSCRIBE: Click here to sign up for the PrayFit Daily, our completely free daily e-mail that contains a devotional, healthy living tips, recipes, workouts and more. Then, have your friends and family do the same!

2 FELLOWSHIP: Need support to stick to your exercise plan? Need advice on how to eat better? Could you use some prayer for the health of your loved ones? Join the PrayFit forums to start interacting with other members today!

3 NETWORK: If you're into the whole social networking thing, you need to "like" us on Facebook, "follow" us on Twitter and "watch" us on YouTube.

Thanks so much for all of your support!

"We don't strive to be healthy to be loved by God. We strive to be healthy because we are." --Jimmy Pena

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 13, 2011 Friends, PrayFit reached another milestone. What started as a daily blog being sent to a handful of friends, now reaches over 5,000 like-minded people every morning (over 5,500 to be more precise). And we can say with the utmost certainty, it's an honor we take seriously. Steeped in prayer, and surrounded by walls of perspective, our fitness devotions are meant solely to help all of us heighten our regard for health, and our ability to maintain it, as a means of praise. Many of you participate in various kinds of fitness activities, share meal plans and philosophies, all while giving Jesus the glory. By doing so, you energize the PrayFit philosophy: healthy in body, strong in spirit.

It's our sincere hope that you continue to read and share our site with loved ones. But most importantly, continue to pray for PrayFit. When we write our entries, you're on our minds and in our prayers. Thank you in advance for doing the same for us.

You know, when C.S. Lewis said, "You don't have souls, you are souls. You have bodies," little did he know he was weaving the very fabric of our purpose. Someday, I'll thank him for it. And today, let that be our mantra. In how we work, move, eat and play, let's take care of the body that carries the soul.

In Jesus' name , we train.

Team PrayFit

>> SIGN UP: Join the 5,500-plus who have already committed to receiving the PrayFit Daily by clicking here.

>> SHARE: Help us get others on board with this whole “faith and fitness” thing. Use the “Recommend,” “Tweet,” “E-Mail” and “Share” buttons at the top of each day’s entry to get your social network in the know about PrayFit. Also, you can “like” us, “follow” us or “watch” us by clicking the Facebook and Twitter icons at the bottom of each page.

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July 27, 2011 Read: Matthew 19

"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man, this is impossible. with God, all things are possible." --Matthew 19:26

Yesterday, Eric and I were blessed to begin shooting a series of DVDs with Lionsgate Entertainment. To say we're humbled would be like saying that Mozart wrote music or that Monet dabbled in art. We'd both like to thank the community of PrayFit for your prayers and support, because today was not only for you, but it wouldn't be possible without you. Soon, countless more will be able to hear and "see" our fitness devotionals as a vehicle for abundant health.

Cool moment: When Eric and I were sharing how surreal the moment was to the make-up artist, she replied very matter-of-factly, "Oh, God's in control...even in Hollywood." Booyah. She was right. There's no reason to feel surreal in moments only He could have mastered. After all, one of the best ways for God to show us He's in control is to let us have it. And if our hands are full, surreal should be the least of our concerns.

Lord, may we be empty-handed in all we do. You're in control, and you get the praise. Help us be obedient in our walk, both physically and spiritually and leave the consequences to you.



While weight loss is a popular theme here at PrayFit and other fitness websites, there is a population on the other end of the scale that needs help achieving a healthy weight. Those who are underweight are subject to a different set of problems including suppressed immunity, athletic performance deficiency and osteoporosis. In women, it can be an even greater concern since being underweight can result in the absence of menstruation, infertility or complications during pregnancy. In fact, mortality rates in underweight individuals is similar to that seen in morbidly obese populations.

PrayFit contributing nutritionist, Christie Menna, MS, RD, says that there are a few easy strategies for those who struggle to gain weight or maintain a healthy weight.

"One thing about weight gain is you really have to be mindful about making eating a priority," says Menna. "I find often people think they are eating much more than they actually are when trying to gain weight. With that being said, it might be a good idea to keep a food log for a couple of weeks. You want to try to eat every 3-4 hours to allow for adequate calorie consumption without having to overdo it at any one meal. "

Menna adds that documenting your daily eating habits makes it easier to make minor, gradual adjustments rather than going on a hardcore, high-calorie weight-gain plan.

Here are three more tips for adding healthy weight:

1 EAT MORE PROTEIN: Strive to consume more protein each day. If you are very active, you can aim for 0.75-1.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, getting at least 20 grams upon waking and post-workout.

2 REST MORE: If you burn calories quickly, take more time between workouts to allow for greater recuperation. During rest periods, focus on getting enough food and sleep to fuel muscle recovery.

3 LIFT HEAVY: Using heavy weight triggers a greater release of your natural growth hormone (GH) and increases protein synthesis, or uptake, which makes you more efficient and building and repairing muscle.

UNDERWEIGHT: If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 or less, you are considered to be underweight. To determine your BMI, click here.

Christie Menna, MS, RD, is a consumer safety officer with the Food and Drug Administration and personal nutrition coach based in Long Island, New York. For more on Christie, visit her at


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June 1, 2011Read: 2 Corinthians 5

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come." --2 Corinthians 5:17

Last year, I had the privilege of spending a week on the set of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. When it aired, I remembered the feeling I had when that family first answered the knock at the door, then came back a week later to a brand new house. Talk about gut-wrenching! Someone they never expected (Tyler Perry) came into their world and freely gave them something they couldn't afford on their own. He saw where they lived and said you don't have to live here anymore.

As I stood and watched the process, I couldn't help but think of Jesus. Just like we did for that family, He knocks gently, anxiously awaiting our answer. But rather than calling for a wrecking ball, He does the unthinkable: He moves in. Instead of a hammer, He carries a suitcase. He gives us something we could never afford on our own--Himself--saying we don't have to live here anymore, alone.



If you're looking for a way to get or stay slim, you're in the right place

A new study is confirming what we've said all along -- that by sharing time with other fit-minded people, you can actually have more success in your quest to reach or stay at your goal weight.

The more people used an interactive weight management website such as PrayFit, the more weight loss they maintained, according to the study. The research showed that consistent website users who logged on and recorded their weight at least once a month for two-and-a-half years maintained the most weight loss.

You can build in extra accountability by keeping a public workout journal, such as those located at our forums.

>> EXERCISE CENTRAL: Find out how to properly perform many of the key exercises presented in our workouts by clicking here.

>> SHOP: Looking for a good Father’s Day gift? Visit PrayFit’s online store to pick up a hat, shirt, wristband or book for the dads in your life!


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


January 26, 2011 "We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength." --Dr. Charles Stanley

In "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," we advocate spending a few minutes each day working on faith and fitness. No matter what time of day you choose to do this, life can make it difficult to muster the motivation to work on either. Long work days, kids running you ragged, all-night study sessions, brutal commutes, bad sleep -- even amidst the status of a life lived well, cracking open your bible and then working up a sweat may seem such an extraneous and wholly dispensable chore. But by making that time and keeping that morning meeting with the Lord, you will be amazed at what you are able to accomplish, not just for the workout that follows, but for the day ahead. Energy, power and strength -- byproducts of a commitment to faith and fitness. Dr. Stanley was on to something.


During a recent interview about the book, we were asked if we traveled to churches and groups to discuss faith and fitness. And our answer was a resounding "Yes." And so we'd like to share the same with you. Please talk to your Pastor or church leaders. Give them a book and reach out to us to discuss the Prayfit Team visiting your community. We're packed and ready to help you and yours take back your health for the Lord. Remember, something so fearfully made deserves more attention and upkeep than what we as a nation of believers are giving. And we want to help.

>> PRAYFIT JETSETTERS: To invite PrayFit to your church, or for help setting up your own PrayFit ministry, contact us at [email protected].


215: Number of calories burned in 30 minutes of rigorous weight training.

Source: American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


December 28, 2010Read: 1 John 4

"You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." --1 John 4:4

Only days away from the dawn of a new year, and it's time to begin focusing on that list. The list. The list of resolutions that we're going to ask you to draw up. It's time to jot down the year's swing-for-the-fence agenda.

Each year, my wife and I write down our five personal goals and objectives for the year. It's arguably one of my favorite traditions. We witness them, sign them, and post them on the fridge -- visible, daily reminders of when the line was drawn in the sand.

Well, as we were driving home yesterday from Arizona, I was daydreaming about the next year -- things I want to accomplish, goals I want to chase. And at that very moment, we drove by a golf practice range. I remember thinking that I'm a much better golfer at a driving range than I am on an actual course. Why? Probably because I'm swinging without fear of failure. No adjacent fairways to avoid. Just wind up and try and kill it off the tee.

That's how I want to view this new year. This new year is a brand new course, a new challenge. God is my most valuable resource and with Him as my caddy, helping me make the right choices, I can't go wrong. He knows where the hazards are, how deep the sand is, when to lay up and when to pull out the driver. All I have to do is keep my eye on the ball.

What about you? What will you swing for next year? Have you made your list? Well, if you haven't or even if you have, spend some time these last few days thinking and praying about what you're going to tackle this year, because we're gonna ask you about them. And when fear and doubt creep in to discourage your list, just remember today's theme verse, see the ball and crush it.



We all have our sights set on particular objectives. From the faith side of things, some of us might want to study the book of Romans, chapter and verse. Maybe we are hoping to be faithful to daily prayers with our spouse or kids. And from a fitness standpoint, we might want to hit the gym at least three times a week, improve flexibility or run a marathon! Whatever your goals, we want you to begin praying about them, and before next Monday, we want you to have narrowed them down to a list you plan to attack. But this year, you'll have a community of believers to help hold you accountable, encouraging you and seeing you succeed both physically and spiritually. Your homework is as simple as it is critical: think and pray about what the Lord is placing on your heart for the upcoming year. And we'll see you tomorrow.

>> GET ACCOUNTABLE: Eager to signpost your goals for 2011? Drop them in the comments section below, or post them at the PrayFit Facebook page.

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August 31, 2010Read: 2 Corinthians 5

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come." --2 Corinthians 5:17

Last year, I had the privilege of spending a week on the set of ABC's Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. When it aired, I remembered the feeling I had when that family first answered the knock at the door, then came back a week later to a brand new house. Talk about gut-wrenching! Someone they never expected came into their world and freely gave them something they couldn't afford on their own. He saw where they lived and said you don't have to live here anymore.

As I stood and watched the process, I couldn't help but think of Jesus. Just like we did for that family, He knocks gently, anxiously awaiting our answer. But rather than calling for a wrecking ball, He does the unthinkable: He moves in. Instead of a hammer, He carries a suitcase. He gives us something we could never afford on our own--Himself--saying we don't have to live here anymore, alone.


COMMUNITY KEEPS WEIGHT OFF If you're looking for a way to get or stay slim, you're in the right place

A new study is confirming what we've said all along -- that by sharing time with other fit-minded people, you can actually have more success in your quest to reach or stay at your goal weight.

The more people used an interactive weight management website such as PrayFit, the more weight loss they maintained, according to the study. The research showed that consistent website users who logged on and recorded their weight at least once a month for two-and-a-half years maintained the most weight loss.

You can build in extra accountability by keeping a public workout journal, such as those located at our forums.

For the full story from Science Daily, click here.

>> REGISTER: If you haven't already, it's time to register at our forums and start your own workout journal! Sign up here!

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