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A Walk That Counts

"Surely then you will count my steps but not keep track of my sin." --Job 14:16

Read: Job 14:16

Along with some of her co-workers, my wife is watching her step, literally. In a company-wide initiative, she and a group of co-workers have decided to encourage activity and join the Get Active campaign. To help keep track of daily movement, everyone is wearing a pedometer to catch each step of the day, from the first to the last. And they've dispersed log books to help monitor their every move. It's a neat exercise among co-workers and friends. (Hmm, I'm starting to think our nightly walks have taken on a new meaning.)

Well, a friend of hers in the group playfully figured out that if you wave the pedometer in the air a certain way, it thinks you're walking. One wave equals a step. Seems it's easy to fool a pedometer by going through the motions but it's impossible to fool God. He knows the steps we take, doesn't He? Just look at today's verse. In fact, the bible also says that, "The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him." (Psalm 37:23) Indeed, pedometers may count steps, but our goal is to take steps that count for the cause of Christ.

On this week's stroll, plan on counting things; from the blessings, to the stars, to the cost. Yes friends, because of Jesus, we can take a walk that counts.

--Jimmy Peña


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