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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Those Who Are Listening

"Yes, Lord, your servant is listening." --1 Samuel 3:10

Read: 1 Samuel 3

I've been taking meetings this week for a PrayFit project we're working on, and I find myself praying for God's will and protection more than I find myself praying for the project to actually happen. Ever been in such a place? I just want Him to be pleased. If He's not in it, I don't want to be. As I sit around listening to all sorts of voices around the room, all I want to hear is His.

In our amazing passage today, young Samuel was awakened by God three times, but he thought Eli was calling him. And as we learned from the text, when Eli finally understood what was happening, he instructed Samuel to answer God with, "Yes, Lord, your servant is listening."

Makes me wonder: Could we already be as fit as necessary to accomplish God's will for our lives, but so focused on being as fit as possible that we miss it? And if we are as fit as necessary (or as possible), are we listening? Like, really listening?

Anyway, Samuel ended his life as well as he started. His mom, Hannah, had trouble conceiving him but the Bible says that God remembered her. And because of that, she named her baby "Samuel" which means "The Lord hears". Maybe it's just me, but I think it's neat how the very first words from young Samuel (The Lord hears) were, "Yes Lord. Your servant is listening."

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Samuel ended up being one of the most obedient and effective men in the Bible. A priest, judge, a prophet and an anointer of kings. And, appropriate for us at PrayFit, he was the one that God told, "Do not look at his outer appearance...For the Lord does not see what man sees. Man looks at the outer appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." Friends, I don't want us to miss what God has for any aspect of our lives. I want us to hear what God wants and for us to put everything we have to use for His glory. For me, I may not have the physical tools I used to, but my heart's ears still work. And God hears those who are listening. Share your thoughts below.


"Faithful warriors are made for hard things…root-down warriors. Be ready to move the good news forward today. Not in your strength, but in His." And so Brooke Boon, founder of Holy Yoga, lays bare the soul of today's new pose. Yesterday, we laid foundations with downward facing dog. Today, she walks us through the nuances of Warrior I, which builds strength in our shoulders, back and core and directs our focus on the importance of physical and faith stability.

>> Click here to learn how to perform Warrior I.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Life is a Subhead

"Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." --1 John 2:6

Read: 1 John 2

Subheads are critical. Ever had to write one? Well, over the years, Eric and I have agonized over our share. For those who may not know, a subhead is that little, tiny sentence under the title of an article, short story, book or manuscript. It's more than the summary sentence and greater than any synopsis. Extract the root of a 10,000-word body of writing and distill it down to one pivotal, all-encompassing core phrase, and there's the subhead. In fact, every one of those 10,000 words -- every paragraph or sidebar -- is subject to it. And above that, it can make the difference between someone reading more or leaving the store. Make no mistake, although it's short and sweet, it's powerful and nothing means more to the author than someone being drawn to the story.

Our lives are subheads in a way. I remember as the fitness editor for magazines, my purpose was to help people shape their bodies, but I wanted my words to help shape souls. I wanted a different subhead. And I'm grateful you're reading it.

The office worker who refuses to gossip, that's a subhead. The cashier at the supermarket who -- after standing on her feet 12 hours -- still asks, "How are you?" and means it, that's a subhead. The second string athlete who out-hustles the starter -- subhead. What's yours? Are you a teacher, lawyer, assistant, stay-at-home mom or dad? Friends, we have the honor and privilege to agonize over our daily subheads, constantly rewriting and revising to get it right. Why? Simple. Someone reading us may choose to turn the page. Our lives are short and sweet, but they're powerful and nothing means more to the Author than someone being drawn to His story.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: As many of you already know, the last thing we want you to be known for is your body. Good health, poor's how we serve God, family and others with our bodies that matters most. How can your heart towards health help write your subhead? Please share your thoughts below.


Yesterday, we introduced you to Holy Yoga founder Brooke Boon, her love for the Lord and how her calling has helped people all over the world meet the Lord through movement. Today, we give you the same opportunity with a quick lesson on one of her most foundational poses: downward facing dog. This pose can help to alleviate back pain, bolster core strength and relieve tension in minutes. Brooke breaks it down for you, step-by-step, to help you get it right.

>> Click here to learn the pose.


2014 is booking up! We are so excited that more and more churches are welcoming our unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking April and May events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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