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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

This Soul Is Guarded

Last week in D.C., one of the most important sites I promised to show Loretta was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And while I described the scene to her prior to our arrival -- much like the case of this entry -- she'll tell you I didn't do it justice. If you're unfamiliar, the Tomb of the Unknown is a monument in dedication to the services of an unidentified soldier and to the common memories of all soldiers killed in any war. And it's guarded. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is guarded by sentinels, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and under any weather condition. Sentinels -- all volunteers -- are considered to be the best of the elite 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment.

The amazing process is breathtaking to watch. He takes 21 steps, stops and pauses for 21 seconds, turns and marches another 21 steps. To and fro, back and forth with the utmost precision, and he doesn't stop his duty until another sentinel arrives to relieve him. The changing of the guard deserves an entry by itself. Unbelievable.

The tomb has been guarded with such reverence every second -- day and night -- since 1937. But what I find so motivating and thrilling is just exactly what they're protecting. And here begins the lesson.

The Unknown SoldierBuried inside the Sentinel's Creed is a line that jumps off the page to me, and one I hope we can all apply to the body God gave us. It says, "I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability. It is he who commands the respect I protect...This soldier will - in honored glory - rest under my eternal vigilance."

Chills anyone? Maybe it's just sentimental me, but these men march day and night in humble dedication and service, not to protect the marble tomb or the manicured lawn. No, they're protecting respect. (Read that sentence again, slowly.) What does it mean to protect respect? And can anyone reading this sentence apply that to the duty you and I have about our health? It's something, isn't it? They've dedicated a life of allegiance because of every soldier who's ever filled a tomb. We've committed our lives because of an empty one. And in humble reverence, it is He who commands the respect we protect.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: The scene is dripping with so much symbolism, I can't quite type. Of course it's not about aesthetics, but when we consider our lives -- our impact on others, our personal calling, our ability to share Christ -- it's an awesome reminder that our health is significant to the Kingdom. Our temporary diligence has eternal consequences. As I type, I can't think straight. Friends, all I hope is that my effort in caring for a frail body -- one that's built to ultimately fail -- is a worthy salute; one that humbly says this soul is guarded.

NEW PRAYFIT GEAR! If you're looking to sport some gear that reflects your commitment to health-focused stewardship, then you need to head over to the PrayFit store. With a robust assortment of tees, tanks and hats for guys and girls, you're sure to find something to suit your needs. While you're there, you can browse our selection of faith-centered exercise and nutrition resources, including our books and DVDs (which also make for great small group tools!).

Mens Black "I Fought The Good Fight"


Jimmy Peña's message of health as a means of praise is being well-received by congregations around the country. His storytelling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. For speaking appearances, ministry assistance, media inquiries, write us at [email protected]. Share this information with pastors, elders and influencers with the knowledge that there is never a speaking fee for churches!

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Grace Defined

"For by grace you have been saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God, not of works, so no man can boast." --Ephesians 2:8-9

Read: Ephesians 2

How much work does it take to transform your health? If you asked a hard-gainer how much work it takes to add muscle, they'd tell you it's pretty tough. Or ask someone who's struggled their entire life to maintain a healthy weight and you may get a similar response. We need help. We get educated, seek council, take cooking classes, hire trainers, study video. And we're not even discussing unforeseen illnesses, or even problems with immodesty or pride. Whether it's for motivation, specific guidelines, disease control or humility, we need assistance in our effort of Godly, physical stewardship.

So with our focus on grace this week, I decided to look it up. Webster defines grace as "Divine assistance given for sanctification." Now, if you think about how much help we need when it comes to health, how much assistance do you think we need when it comes to Heaven? A little? A lot? A lot, alot? That's why Webster's take on grace falls short, doesn't it? Did you catch it the first time? Assistance, right? So while I was at it, I looked that up too. To define assistance, Webster uses synonyms like "a boost, helping hand, a leg up." Makes sense to the world. We do our share of the work, and God does His. We try our best, but when our best isn't good enough for Heaven, He gives our souls a boost.

But grace is more than what Webster might call a hearty helping of chicken soup for the soul. No, our souls need more than help. In fact, we don't need help, we need Him. If grace were just a boost on God's part, then you and I could boast in our works. His share. Our share. But we don't share. Health is never earned. What would ever make us think grace could be?

--Jimmy Peña


Are you a fan of the PrayFit Daily devotions? Were you aware that many of our best devos are now on audio? Click here to give a listen to a selection of inspirational entries from PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña.



Jimmy Peña's message of health as a means of praise is being well-received by congregations around the country. His storytelling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. For speaking appearances, ministry assistance, media inquiries, write us at [email protected]. Share this information with pastors, elders and influencers with the knowledge that there is never a speaking fee for churches!

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Pick Up Your Bed

"I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." --Mark 2:11

Read: Mark 2

It took four men to get him near Jesus. Four men who wouldn't stop until they made a breakthrough, literally. The bible says that "when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying." Reading this story a few weeks ago, some things dawned on me. First, the breakthrough -- the realization that there was no other option; no Plan B. Jesus was in the healing business and their friend was buying.

Then, before Jesus does for the paralytic what the man thought he needed most, Jesus says, "Your sins are forgiven you." (Wait, what? His sins? Why not first heal his legs?, I wondered.) Then Jesus answered my question when He asked the scribes, "Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven you,' or to say, 'Arise, take up your bed and walk?'"

In case there was any doubt of His ability to forgive sins, Jesus went ahead and said to the paralytic, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house." A paralyzed man carrying his prison back home is enough to quiet the doubters. And here's my last thought...he carried his bed home. Jesus put him to work. He didn't say, "Tell others what I did for you," or "Show off your legs." No, carrying his bed said it all.

You'll forgive the long entry, but all I want to do is carry my bed. Our blessing of health is an opportunity to go to work; for family, friends, those less fortunate, our health is a means of praise. Someone you know needs a breakthrough. I did. And I'm betting the healed man in our story lifted other people's burdens from that day forward, wouldn't you agree? If you do, pick up your bed. Let's go to work.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Who are you in today's story? Are you in need of a breakthrough? Dealing with an illness, infirmity or other struggle? Perhaps you're a friend, helping someone through the roof by praying for them, listening to them? Maybe you feel like you're one of the crowd, the onlookers, not really engaged either way, be it with your health or the health of someone else. Well, we know who we are NOT in this story, so let's go. Who needs prayer? Let's lift someone through the roof. Let's place someone you know and love as close the healer as we know how to. As always, simply say "Unspoken" and the team and readers will pray for you.


How did you sleep last night? While people desperate to lose a few pounds and inches like to focus on fitness and nutrition, there are a number of factors that can work for you -- or against you. One that is typically underrated is good, old fashioned shut-eye. Find out what the research says about how all those late nights can be moving the scale in the wrong direction.

>> Click here for the study from CNN Health.


Thousands of people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this complimentary service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link or sharing it with your social networks!:



Sometimes, it's just a family that needs recalibrating in the areas of faith and fitness. But sometimes, it's your church family that could use a little tune-up. Congregations across the country have welcomed Jimmy and his message of health as a means of praise, using it as a way to kick off a revival of sorts...and your town could be next. Contact us at [email protected] to schedule a visit from the PrayFit team! As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Inspect What He Expects

Years ago, while cutting my teeth in leadership and service, I learned how important it was to inspect what you expect. Daily checklists and standard operating procedures were the keys to the satisfaction of both the consumer and the team around you. Here's a neat insight. In some of the finest hotels in the world, the housekeeping department employs a very simple strategy. In the back of the hotel -- or the back of the "house," as it's called -- they hang pictures of guest rooms. Within the frames are immaculate, impeccably clean, spotless rooms, with nothing out of place. Get this...they view them daily. That way, they know exactly how each room should appear, making it easier to create excellence. Each time a guest enters the room, it's perfect. Those pictures hang there as reminders of the standard that must be kept. When it comes to our lives as believers, Christian athletes or fitness-minded individuals, we too have checklists and standard operating procedures. We track our training and measure our meals, striving for a stewardship-savvy life. And by God's Word, our thoughts, motives, actions...our hearts can be measured daily. But try as we might, we're not always 5-Star. Some days we're more like a flickering no vacancy sign; not today, can't stay, go away. Isn't it true? We inspect what He expects only to find that we don't always think purely, speak kindly or act humbly.

Because of that, Jesus hung on the cross and paid for our sins, reminding us of the standard we couldn't keep. We need to go there daily.

--Jimmy Peña

Inspection: When it comes to fitness, do you inspect what He expects? If Jesus were the standard that determined your outlook on your health, would that force you to train more or less?


Thousands of people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this complimentary service already, simply click the links provided here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us continue our faith-and-fitness revival -- you can do so by sending friends this link or sharing it with your social networks!:



Sometimes, it's just a family that needs recalibrating in the areas of faith and fitness. But sometimes, it's your church family that could use a little tune-up. Congregations across the country have welcomed Jimmy and his message of health as a means of praise, using it as a way to kick off a revival of sorts...and your town could be next. Contact us at [email protected] to schedule a visit from the PrayFit team! As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Jars of Clay

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body." --2 Corinthians 4:7-10

Read: 2 Corinthians 4

Today's verse is as motivating as it is convicting. Take a look again. Notice what he said. "Treasure in jars of clay". That verse is coming from a man who was given 39 lashes five times, beaten with rods five times, pelted with stones, shipwrecked three times, and who would go without sleep, food and clothing; all because of his heart for churches, people, and the message of the inconceivable grace of Jesus.

Compare what Paul said to something I read on a picture quote recently where someone boastfully warns, "Before you judge me, step into my shoes and walk the life I'm living, and if you get as far as I am, just maybe you'll see how strong I really am." I admit, I'd love to hear Paul's graceful response to such a misstatement, because if the most influential man this side of Christ knew anything, He knew where his power and strength came from and from where it didn't.

But today's verse is also a comfort, not simply because of the physical metaphors of hardship, but for the reason to get up at all. "So that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body." See -- to Paul -- surviving the shipwreck or sustaining the beatings weren't so much as death defying as they were life-revealing.

And to think, you're a jar of clay, too. So am I. A malleable, bendable, breakable, fillable and spillable jar of clay. I know, some days we feel more like a piñata than a Godly jar of clay. But if it's any help, just remember, if you hit a piñata hard enough, what happens? People get the treasure inside. And that's what I get from Paul. He bled Jesus. He bled the treasure.

So dear friends, let's invite others to step into our shoes and live the life we're living. And when they get as far as we're going, maybe, just maybe, they'll get to see exactly just how strong we're not.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: The jar of clay typing this sentence has been known to lose his wallet, his truck keys, and his health, to say nothing of his daily sins and filthy rags of good deeds. I've said it before and I'll say it again, getting up from a trial doesn't reveal our strength. The fall reveals that. Getting up reveals God's grace. What are you thanking God for today? Any praises? What has He given you the health, strength and grace to continue? As for me, I have one. You're reading it.



The fitness world continues to parade high-intensity interval training (HIIT) as one of the best ways to improve body composition, improve athleticism and increase general health markers. You may be thinking, "I'm not really capable of high-intensity training." Hey, we're right there with you. Even the youngest and healthiest among us get uncomfortable with the idea of pushing your physical limits. But here's the good news: intensity is relative. And you may be able to start reaping the benefits of this simple training principle today, no matter where you are on your health walk.

>> What is intensity?


Churches. Community events. Schools. Corporate events. PrayFit is on the march in 2014 with its unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking spring and summer events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

I Like These Odds

"I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me [into the land]; as my strength was then, so my strength is now." --Joshua 14:11

Read: Joshua 14

Take a look at our verse again. That's Caleb talking. In yesterday's entry, he was a 40-year old, modern day Billy the Kid, only with Godly morals and a conscience. Funny, not sure if you ever saw the movie Young Guns, but when Billy the Kid (played by Emilio Estevez) was completely surrounded and in a seemingly impossible scenario, he was the only optimist. The rest of his clan of regulators had all but given up and surrendered, but not Billy. Oh no. In fact, as they realized just how badly they were outnumbered, what did Billy say? "I like these odds." That's Caleb. Courageous, optimistic, full of hope.

What about you? Imagine yourself crawling up to the ledge of a canyon to overlook your dreams. You're quiet so you don't call any attention, but down in the ravine is your heart's desire. College maybe. A different job. Weight loss. Recovery. Married life. The bank loan. Being alone. What goes through your mind? It's too late, too soon, too much, too little, too...???

Friends, if God is behind the dream -- like He was in Caleb's -- it's never "too" anything. Caleb along with Joshua were the only two faith-bearing spies to believe that with God anything was possible. And because of that, God inspired the dream that one day the promised land would be theirs. A dream and a promise Caleb never forgot. I get the chills just telling you this, but when Caleb spoke today's verse, he was 85 years old. That's right. Caleb had to wait a generation of 40 years before he could realize God's dream in his life. But he stayed faithful, fruitful, young, able and eager. Not even a lifetime of shattered dreams and heartbreak were enough to remove his resolve. All he knew was that when the time was right, he'd be ready. Even at 85 years of age, with God, Caleb liked his odds.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Don't you just love dreaming? Me too. But now more than ever, I'm in love with the Dream Giver. God is bigger than anything I can imagine, and He wants more for my life than I could ever want. That's why I fight tooth and nail for whatever that is. I'll admit, I've been dreaming a lot lately. Studying, praying, asking, over and over. And if it takes a generation for me to realize it, I want to take Caleb's example. What about you? You don't have to tell us, but what is God inspiring you to do? And like Caleb, what work do you have to do while you wait for God's timing? Could be spiritual, financial, social or even physical. Looking down into that ravine, if God inspired the dream of yours, He may be waiting for your prep work.


Churches. Community events. Schools. Corporate events. PrayFit is on the march in 2014 with its unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking spring and summer events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Drop 'Em

"They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him." --Matthew 4:21-22

Read: Matthew 4

Recently, I was relating to Jimmy how shallow my faith seems compared to the first disciples. Peter was a fisherman. James and John also made a living casting their nets. But this then-anonymous Nazarene walks up and kindly suggests that they leave it all behind (v. 19). And they do. No arguments, no hesitation -- immediate surrender to a higher cause, forsaking their livelihood and everything they'd ever known, simply because they were asked to. Ponder that for a moment. Better yet, put yourself in their shoes. Would you be able to set down your Macbook if He called you? What about your tool belt? Your barbell?

Now, it's easy to think of this story of the first disciples as faith-testing hyperbole -- a tale meant to symbolize our surrender to Christ. But folks, if you had the benefit of living in the context of that verse, you'd go back to the shore to see a pile of abandoned nets and a ship anchored in the shallows with no captain. These were things of great value to men who had very little and they left them behind without batting an eyelash.

We all have things that we place (or misplace) great value on, both tangible and intangible -- things of this earth to which we electively and misguidedly assign value -- material things, workout schedules, turbulent relationships and more. But how much better off would we be if we simply dropped them all and just followed Him.

As you get set to cast your nets overboard today, take pause, look to the shore and just listen. This is a call you don't want to miss and those nets, however important you think they are to the day's haul, won't travel well with you on this journey. All you have to do is drop 'em.

–-Eric Velazquez

For Discussion: There may just be things that we need to abandon to flourish in the splendor of His grace, including the mirror. But stepping away from our reflection isn't the same as stepping away from our health. As Jimmy says, "It's not about the mirror, but about the One we're trying to mirror." It's worth noting that it wasn't the last time these first disciples fished -- they just found new nets and new waters to fish. What (or whom) can you haul in with your commitment to health today?


This weekend, Jimmy is addressing parishioners in Oregon. Could your church be next? More and more pastors, elders and churchgoers are inquiring about how to bring PrayFit's message -- one of stewardship, faith, humility and endurance -- to their next Sunday service. They want their congregations to be as healthy as they can be to take care of the work that needs doing in their communities and on missions abroad. Help us make your church next. Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together. For a sample of what you can expect, click play below.

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Life is a Subhead

"Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." --1 John 2:6

Read: 1 John 2

Subheads are critical. Ever had to write one? Well, over the years, Eric and I have agonized over our share. For those who may not know, a subhead is that little, tiny sentence under the title of an article, short story, book or manuscript. It's more than the summary sentence and greater than any synopsis. Extract the root of a 10,000-word body of writing and distill it down to one pivotal, all-encompassing core phrase, and there's the subhead. In fact, every one of those 10,000 words -- every paragraph or sidebar -- is subject to it. And above that, it can make the difference between someone reading more or leaving the store. Make no mistake, although it's short and sweet, it's powerful and nothing means more to the author than someone being drawn to the story.

Our lives are subheads in a way. I remember as the fitness editor for magazines, my purpose was to help people shape their bodies, but I wanted my words to help shape souls. I wanted a different subhead. And I'm grateful you're reading it.

The office worker who refuses to gossip, that's a subhead. The cashier at the supermarket who -- after standing on her feet 12 hours -- still asks, "How are you?" and means it, that's a subhead. The second string athlete who out-hustles the starter -- subhead. What's yours? Are you a teacher, lawyer, assistant, stay-at-home mom or dad? Friends, we have the honor and privilege to agonize over our daily subheads, constantly rewriting and revising to get it right. Why? Simple. Someone reading us may choose to turn the page. Our lives are short and sweet, but they're powerful and nothing means more to the Author than someone being drawn to His story.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: As many of you already know, the last thing we want you to be known for is your body. Good health, poor's how we serve God, family and others with our bodies that matters most. How can your heart towards health help write your subhead? Please share your thoughts below.


Yesterday, we introduced you to Holy Yoga founder Brooke Boon, her love for the Lord and how her calling has helped people all over the world meet the Lord through movement. Today, we give you the same opportunity with a quick lesson on one of her most foundational poses: downward facing dog. This pose can help to alleviate back pain, bolster core strength and relieve tension in minutes. Brooke breaks it down for you, step-by-step, to help you get it right.

>> Click here to learn the pose.


2014 is booking up! We are so excited that more and more churches are welcoming our unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking April and May events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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No Mas: Part II

He saved others, why doesn't He save Himself? Some of those at the foot of the Cross stood in absolute wonder. And why not? They had velvet rope access to the miracles. They saw the blind see, the lame walk and the mute talk. They were firsthand eyewitnesses to His power and might. And yet there He was. Hanging on a cross to die.

You'll forgive the long entry, but I knew before I began today's follow-up to "No Mas" that I wasn't going to get it right. Too many lessons to be learned, let alone teach in so few words.

First, we could easily see this strictly from an athlete's perspective. The crowd around the ring that night had seen Duran for years. They knew his power, speed and heart. Because of that, what he did was beyond their comprehension. To put it into perspective, imagine Michael Jordan at the free throw line in a tied Game 7 of the NBA Championship. With one second on the clock, he gives the ball to the ref and walks off the court unwilling to take the shot. Impossible? Well, that's what the crowd witnessed that night when Duran said, "No mas."

Or, we could also see this from Sugar Ray's standpoint. He demanded answers. Cheated out of the glory that should come with victory, Sugar Ray took it upon himself to find out what happened. And we all know from yesterday's entry how that ended. His peace came when he stopped trying to be rewarded for his work. (That thought deserves an entry for the fitness enthusiasts among us.) But of the two boxers that fateful night in 1980, I can relate mostly to Duran -- the one who stopped striving. The guy who couldn't go the distance. The quitter. Yes, that's me.

Spiritually, I quit fighting my own battle when I was an eighth grader. I knew then what I know now -- that no matter how good I tried to be or how hard I worked, I was at best a wretch. A no-good sinner in need of grace. Accepting defeat, accepting my smallness, accepting Jesus as my Savior...and it set me free forever.

Physically, however, I thought I quit fighting the biggest battles a long time ago when I hit my physical, personal prime of strength or ability. But in truth, I quit just a few years ago. After being diagnosed with degenerative disk disease -- in between my two spine surgeries -- I had part of my colon reconstructed. It was then that I realized something. Our fittest, strongest, healthiest moment should serve as life's awesome reminder of just how small and weak we really are. Sure, I press on (as I type in tears), but I quit believing the enemy's lie that health was somehow earned. Make no mistake, our health is grace dependent.

No mas. No more. We may not step into a ring, but we do have wars raging inside our hearts -- battles of our own making we need to quit. You may need to quit comparing yourself to the world. You may need to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You may need to quit social media, get your nose out of your phone and into your Bible or good book. You may need to stop procrastinating about your health, or that job application or that goal. You may need to quit trying to work your way to Heaven.

I warned you I wasn't going to get this right, but friends, all I know is that when Jesus said it was finished, what looked like defeat was really our Lord going the distance for us. That's why I quit. My hands are up. Are yours? The raging war is won. The victory is ours for the claiming. Freedom for the taking. Both the Prize and the Fighter is Jesus; who we win by decision.

--Jimmy Peña

I QUIT: When Paul talked about fighting the good fight, he knew we would pay a price. Paul quit fighting on his own and then changed the world. What price will you pay when you quit? Lord only knows how the world will change once you do.


2014 is booking up! We are so excited that more and more churches are welcoming our unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking April and May events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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They Knew What To Do

"Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" --Mark 4:38

Read: Mark 4

The disciples knew what to do. Isn't it true? We try and relate to those great men on so many levels, but for some reason, this week's theme on fear seems especially relatable. They knew what to do, and if you think about, they were the first to do it. Do what exactly? Well, they did literally what you and I do metaphorically. They praised Him in the storm. We know the story. First came the wind, then the waves. And with teeth chattering and knees knocking, the terrified bunch woke the only one who could put the sea to sleep.

Of all the things that we talked about this week, what did you connect with? For me, I think the truth that He takes our fears seriously has been a source of comfort. Take a look at our story today. Jesus may have been asleep in the boat, but He wasn't asleep at the wheel. And it's not that the storm wasn't threatening, or that the disciples were silly for being scared. No, the storm that night was real. But Jesus took their fears seriously.

Of all the things we can learn from this story, it's that Jesus didn't hush the storm to prove its insignificance. He hushed it to show their significance to Him.

Your storms are real. Our fears are real. But when your teeth chatter and my knees buckle, we can follow their lead, amen? They knew what to do. We can too. In many ways, we're in the same boat. Brings a lump to my throat to think He's patiently waiting for me to wake Him up.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Even though He was asleep that night, I like to imagine Jesus asleep with one eye open waiting for us to call on Him. Maybe even with a little grin. I don't know, but His face, His grin makes our worries cease. Whatever you're going through, I hope this week blessed your life and the lives of those you love. If you missed any of this week's entries, we hope you find some time to go back and review. Many of us are in need of comfort and prayer during times of fear, so please lift some names up.


Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. For speaking appearances, ministry assistance, media inquiries, write us at [email protected].

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Finish Strong

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." --Psalm 73:26

Read: Psalm 73

Well? Was a week at the beach? On Monday we opened with "A Strong Life" and that begged the question, "What does a strong life look like?" And since we know that the good Lord is always on watch, our little friend that we found on the road was a good reminder that He knows about and cares about our little predicaments. And when God finds us, we become a strong community with those he places in our path, our neighborhood, our church. If you missed any of our entries this week, you can click the links here or scroll our archives and we hope they bless your life. Your comments this week had all of us at PrayFit nodding our heads and with chills to boot.

Speaking of giving us chills, your stories and testimonies that we're collecting are absolutely wonderful. We are in awe. If you missed our plea, we want to know that if you have a faith and fitness testimony you want to share. If the answer is "YES," we want to read it. Please e-mail the team at [email protected] and tell us how God has moved in your life in the area of health. Perhaps you're healing from an infirmity. Maybe His grace alone has seen you through struggles; your faith in God has catapulted you to an abundant, healthy life!

Or on the flip-side, maybe you're more modest because you're trying to honor Him. Perhaps you haven't given enough time to the Lord with too much emphasis on your body, and now He's helped you find balance. Whoever you are and whatever your story, send it to us. In 300 words or less, share it. Each month, we plan on sharing some of your stories with the PrayFit nation. Your testimony may help change someone's life. If you're healthy in body and strong in spirit, we want to know.

A good week. A strong week. Soak up today's chapter and verse. Say the verse out loud. Go ahead. He is our strength, amen? What better way to end a week. We hope you have a good, restful weekend and we'll see you right back here on Monday. Healthy in body and spirit.

--Team PrayFit


Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. For speaking appearances, ministry assistance, media inquiries, write us at [email protected].

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Leland Family Ministry

FloridaHomeless. Orphan. Addict. Lost. These are just a few of the words you could use to appropriately describe Libbie Combee's first 30 years of life. But stand among the rows of freshly grown produce she gives to the hungry people in her community, or sit in a Bible study she leads for those recently freed from prison, or watch as she encourages those struggling with addiction, and you'd describe her last twenty years a little differently. In fact, if you combine the grace that Paul preached with the works that James demanded, I think you'd get Libbie Combee and the ministry she founded.

Last week, I had the unbelievable honor of speaking at The PrayFit Banquet hosted and produced by the Leland Family Ministry. I assure you folks, I was blessed and fed more than I blessed and fed others. I left Florida wanting and needing to do more with my health and my little company because of this group. It's been said that you never know how far away you are from your goal until you're standing right next to it. Well, standing next to Libbie, I promise that statement is certainly true. As we start a new week, let the example that Libbie -- who makes it look so natural -- be the standard we follow. Let's use our health to serve.

Simple. Significant. Selfless. Servant. These are just a few of the words you could use to appropriately describe Libbie Combee. If you would like to learn more about her and the ministry she founded, please go to their website. You'd bless us if you would. Have a great week everyone. Let's go to work.

--Jimmy Peña

P.S. Pictured above is the PrayFit Banquet venue from last week. What a tremendous time together of fellowship, praising the Lord and serving each other. Can't wait to go back!


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You Don't Have To

"Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good." --Psalm 25:7

Read: Psalm 25 Earlier this week I received the most incredible and undeserved invitation. Details to come, but later this Fall, Loretta and I will be special guests at Baylor University, my alma mater. In the days leading up to a special Saturday event, we'll have the unique opportunity of speaking to students, staff and the community. We're so blessed and excited. Can I get a "Sic'em Bears?"

You know, the idea of going back and showing Loretta some of my old stomping grounds after all these years is already making my heart pound. I've even started taking notes on things I want to be sure and discuss with the students in particular. Oh man, to be able to go back and talk to a younger Jimmy Peña.  What would I tell him? (Other than to enjoy his hair line while he can and to eat more fiber. He'll just have to trust me on both.) So many things come to mind. But one thing I know, I'd make sure to find my way to old Russell Gym. I'd stand right next to young Jimmy as he eyed his next lift. While the gang of Russell Rats yell and scream in one ear, I'd whisper in the other, "You don't have to. You don't have to lift that much weight."

Carrying the weight of the past gets heavy, does it not? Yesterday's mistakes can feel heavier than a 500-pound bar across your back. I know, because I've carried both. But like the old Gaither hymn reminds me as I type this sentence:

"I'm free from the fear of tomorrow. I'm free from the guilt of my past. I've traded my shackles for a glorious song. I'm free. Praise the Lord, free at last."

If you're carrying yesterday's burden today, the Cross of Jesus says we don't have to. And we have the most incredible and undeserved invitation to embrace it.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Even though I know I would change some things in my past, I believe the good Lord has worked it all out. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I hadn't gone through some of my mistakes and wrong turns, I wouldn't be living the life I live today. Share your story. Give us your comments below. And have a great weekend everyone.

LISTEN, WATCH, INVITE: Life is not about the body. Our health is a means of praise. This fundamental message, which has become the heart of PrayFit in the last several years, has always been at the heart of Jimmy's philosophy on exercise and nutrition. But to put it in a paragraph here doesn't do it justice -- to hear it from the man himself is a convicting experience for anyone who has the opportunity. Use the links below to explore what we mean...

Listen >> Many of Jimmy's favorite devotionals are available here as audio files. Click here to "hear" PrayFit's founder articulate his passion for your health.

Watch >> The mission of PrayFit isn't six-pack abs -- it's stewardship. Click here for a video compilation of Jimmy's heartfelt message about caring for the bodies that carry these souls.

Invite >> Finally, if this is a message that you feel your family, your church or your community, then reach out to us today to find out how you can bring Jimmy to your next Sunday service or event. Click here for more info.

For additional PrayFit resources, such as books or DVDs, click here.

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Increase Our Faith

"The apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith!'" --Luke 17:5

Read: Luke 17

Faith. It's been a neat week, has it not? If you've been with us each day, we've discussed faith as the reason we take the hits that life throws in our direction. We've watched it as it gets us to our feet and walks us to class, and we've learned that it's the reason we sacrifice the dearest things in life for the One we can't live without.

You know, each weekday for nearly six years, we've written to you about health, fitness and food with the hope that you'd enjoy a more abundant lifestyle. Be it for yourself, your spouse, your kids, co-workers and friends, a genuine care and Godly honoring of the body is the best way to live life. But it's my hope that if you don't remember a thing we say about training or take a bite of one our recipes, you leave here everyday with a message. As Eric will attest, my favorite button on the keyboard is the delete button. I admit, it's true. Not a word gets to you before it really gets to me. We don't write sentences to fill a page but to fill your hearts. (Some of you are likely thinking I should hurry to the end of this page. Well, I agree.)

Faith after all -- like James says -- is dead to the world if it's not accompanied by action. What's the age-old truth? Saved by grace and faith proves it? I say we go out there and do just that.

--Jimmy Peña

Question: How has your faith increased this year? How has your health helped you see your relationship with the Lord differently? And conversely, how has your walk with the Lord helped you decide how to take care of yourself? Friends, we sure are glad you're with us each day. May God bless all of you this weekend and we'll see you on Monday.

PAUSE, LISTEN, REFLECT: Did you know that many of PrayFit's top devotionals are available on audio? If you're looking for additional inspiration to finish the week -- and who isn't? -- you can click here for a selection of messages, read by PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña. Take in a few devotions, then share the link with friends and family.

“This exciting devotional will enable you to live out the Scripture which says to ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength! (Mark 12:30 NIV)” — Josh Hamilton, Texas Rangers, 2010 American League MVP

>> Josh Hamilton, now patrolling the outfield for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, was PrayFit's first official endorser back in 2010. This list later grew to include such names as actor/producer Tyler Perry, TV host Mario Lopez, boxing champion Robert "The Ghost" Guerrero and more. Click here to find out who else has found value in PrayFit's daily messages, books and exercise plans.

Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss. To find out how you can bring Jimmy to your next church service, retreat or community event, contact us at [email protected] today!

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Trust My Guts

"There is no one who understands. No one seeks after God." --Romans 3:11

Read: Romans 3

I've been updating my bio and resume. Ever had to do that? It's not easy, especially the older you get. I ponder, Where to start? and What to highlight? As I sigh, the blinking cursor on my screen seems to be in perfect cadence with the sound of a thunderous, slow drum. Bong! Bong! Bong! I do my best to summarize my work. I try my hardest to sum up the years. But my first draft misses the mark as badly as I missed the trash can with it.

We are not our resume, are we? I kinda want to just write, I'm saved by grace, I married up, wrote some books. And oh, trust me when I tell you I have heart. Recently, our friend Allison Earnst sent me a plaque that simply says, "God Give Me Guts." And He did. He does. He will. That's what I'd like to tell prospective opportunities. Trust my guts. My strengths are best illustrated by my weaknesses, not awards. Call me sentimental -- granted I type this in tears -- but having spent the last five-plus years making sure nothing we say at PrayFit ever sounds boastful, selling myself along with the specialness of PrayFit just seems off for me.

Friends, getting through trials doesn't reveal our strength. (No, the trials do a pretty good job of that.) Getting through trials reveals God's grace and produces our character. That's why for my latest job description I'd be more comfortable simply writing I got up. Indeed, God allowed me to get up to keep fighting the good fight. But as I rise and wipe the dust off my back, I can't pat.

Well, enough of that, I guess. I finished it. Hopefully the page reads like I wrote it. But friends, it's not that I don't give myself a little credit for the good stuff, it's that I can't give myself any. The good in me and you? God. All the rest? Me and you.

–Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Yesterday we talked about goals. We loved the responses and the swing-for-the-fence objectives. And much like my lofty aspirations, achieving yours or accomplishing each perfectly doesn't determine the worth of each. It's in the heart behind them and the goal before them. Like Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena. Who strive valiantly. Who know the great enthusiasms. The great devotions. And who spend themselves for a worthy cause. Who, if they succeed, know the triumph of high achievement. And who -- if they fail -- fail while daring greatly. So that their place will never be, with those cold and timid souls, who knew neither victory or defeat." I suspect there are no cold and timid souls reading this page today, amen? God gets the credit.


Health as a means of praise. This fundamental message, which is sorely overlooked in this growing industry, is one that is affecting congregations and communities across the country. And yours could be next. Write us today at [email protected] to find out how you can bring PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña to your next event or Sunday service. Click (and share) the video below for a preview of this powerful, transformative message!

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Change in Heart

"Nothing will be impossible for you..." --Matthew 17:20

Read: Matthew 17

To hear this devotional read by Jimmy himself, click play here: [audio:]

I was asked recently if I thought 33 days was a long enough period to create a change in heart and transform a life. The person on the other end of the question was referring to the time-frame we have listed on our DVDs. And my answer was two-fold. First, a month is both anecdotally and scientifically justified in helping people create habits, so we're confident to that end. After all, our resources are all about helping people get a jump-start on good, solid daily routines of devotions and exercise.

But then it hit me. I'm the wrong person to answer the question. Instead, I say we ask the woman at the well, the blind man in the temple or the criminal on the cross. Let's ask them about the day they met Him. After all, from the moment you meet the one who forgives your past, gives you sight, or secures your future, the only real timeframe in question is any moment spent without Him.

So while we could have written our books or these DVDs to be any length, it's remembering the lengths He went to show us His love that cause a change in heart. You know, it's ironic...we're bold to declare that faith can move a mountain, and yet we doubt it can help us move a muscle.

--Jimmy Peña

>>LISTEN: Spend a few minutes taking a listen to the founder of PrayFit, as he provides message that both inspire and encourage you as you make strides toward better health in 2013. Our new "Listen" page allows you to play select devotionals and share them with your social networks. Click here to hear...

>> SUBSCRIBE: If you're not already receiving the PrayFit Daily -- our morning, bite-sized helping of faith and fitness -- you can click here to sign-up.

>> GET INVOLVED: This video (click the player below) offers a glimpse of the message your congregation needs to hear. Contact us today at [email protected] for details on how you can bring Jimmy Peña to your next Sunday service!

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Walking Behind

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." --Philippians 4:12

Read: Philippians 4

Perhaps the young man meant to say it. More likely, he was simply searching for the right words to use in describing his decision to follow Jesus. Still, the simple words he eventually did choose spoke volumes. He didn’t say he’d decided “to become a Christian.” He didn’t even say he’d chosen “to follow Jesus.” He said he had decided “to become one who walks behind God.”

What a profound statement! Deciding “to follow” someone doesn’t mean you have to be close to them. You can be separated by time, space or both. I can “follow” the path taken by the explorers Lewis and Clark and eventually wind up in the same place they did — but to do so is purely an intellectual exercise, based on the writings they left behind. I don’t have to have a trust relationship with either of them.

But to choose to “become one who walks behind God” is a different thing altogether. It means making a deliberate choice not to be the one who is seen by other people, because the One who walks in front is so much greater than I am. And I have to stick close not to get lost, because the way is tricky. It means accepting that I am not in control, so I have to trust the One who is leading the way. But that also means I don’t have to spend my time trying to figure it all out myself. It means accepting that my view will be limited. But it also means my circumstances — whether good or bad — don’t impact me greatly. If my eyes are locked on Him, everything around me is perceived only peripherally. (Maybe that’s what Paul meant when he said he had found the secret to being content “in plenty or in lack.”)

And if He fills my vision, that’s the most beautiful thing I could ever hope to see.

--Karla Dial

Karla Dial, a longtime PrayFit contributor, is the editor of CitizenLink and Citizen magazine at Focus on the Family. Based in Colorado Springs, Colo., she is a fitness enthusiast with over a decade of training experience.


The subject of physical stewardship is not a message you're likely to hear in this Sunday's sermon. But perhaps it should be. With an increasing number of our fellow congregants and family members struggling with obesity-related health issues, it's worth noting that the Lord desires abundant health for us and that even though He looks at the heart, failing to take care of the bodies He created in His image amounts to a heart issue. PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña has spoken at churches across the country, imparting the message of our health as a means of praise. Could your service be next? Check out the video below, share it with your church leaders then contact us to find out how you can bring this message to your congregation!

>> Can't wait for a church visit? Why not start a small group? Click here to get your hands on PrayFit DVDs and books and use them as your curriculum!

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Discipline Determines Destiny

I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should." --1 Corinthians 9:27

Read: 1 Corinthians 9

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Charles Stanley with In Touch Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia. He delivered a message entitled, "Discipline Determines Destiny." Of course, he made it clear that he wasn't talking about eternal destiny, but that he wanted to discuss our earthly effectiveness; how we handle our money, our time, our relationships and ohhhh yes, while I was at the edge of my seat, he said it..."how we handle our health."

None of the other topics received much of a reaction (perhaps because they were expected), but when he asked the question, "Who wants to live a long, healthy life?", there was a noticeable murmur. When it became quiet, Dr. Stanley simply asked his congregation how they expected to live abundantly when they're facing avoidable and preventable road blocks of health. Hearing it from me is one thing, but when Dr. Charles Stanley says it, it's another thing altogether.

As he preached, I scribbled. He used words and phrases like,

The value we place on our health will be evident in our diligence... Fulfilling, achieving, orderly, less stressful... Aimless and lethargic versus Godly and confident... Feeling good about yourself...  Nothing to do with age... He still has the best in mind for you... Positive impact on can be a way to witness... Build better health and a better faith...

Folks, go ahead and quiet the murmur in your mind and settle your thoughts on this one: Your health is important to God. Any personal justification you've otherwise convinced yourself with, is false. The call to action this week is a call of discipline. And it doesn't matter what you decide to do.  Just decide and work within your means. Walk the block or the dog. Do some push-ups or lift some weights. Walk away from the dessert menu and step up to the plate of clean eating. Discipline determines destiny, and if you're reading this, yours is still unwritten.

--Jimmy Peña

Peña to co-headline Mother's Day Celebration with Grammy winning trio Point of Grace

This Saturday (May 5), PrayFit Founder Jimmy Peña will join Grammy and Dove Award Winning sensation Point of Grace at the Mom’s Squad Mother’s Day Celebration in Ohio, hosted by Cleveland’s 95.5 THE FISH.

“It’s such a blessing to be included in such an important event, to be speaking to so many influential women and to be sharing the day with the amazing women of Point of Grace!” Peña says.

>> For the full event lineup, list of sponsors or info on attending, click here.

Do you want Jimmy and the PrayFit team to come to your church or business to share his motivational story of health as a means of praise? Using biblical characters and motivational scenarios, Jimmy will help motivate and inspire you and your congregation to view health differently than ever before. E-mail us at [email protected] for more details!

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