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Lead Us To Victory

With my head bowed and eyes closed, I heard an honest and sincere prayer for victory last week in Waco. With a strong, southern accent and pure heart, a Baylor executive led a small group of us over lunch praying, "Lord, you know our hearts and you know what's on our minds. Forgive us if it's selfish, but I just pray for a victory tonight against Oklahoma." I grinned with a nod as I opened my eyes to join the amen.

Praying for victory. Isn't it neat that we can go to the Lord with our desires, needs and dreams? As he addressed us following his prayer, in so many words, he reasoned, "God knows my heart and He knows we'll give Him the glory, as well as, do what's right with whatever blessings arise from a win like this. I figure I'd just come out and ask Him." Powerful stuff. Can you sense the smile on my face as you read this sentence?

Are you praying for a victory today? Victories come in all shapes and sizes, you know. Do you need one over physical pain? What about over a habit? Maybe your child is struggling in a subject at school and there's a big test today. Perhaps the competition at work is pretty fierce and you need that new account, the new client, the new chance.

Much like they do on college game days, if we were all in the same room right now, I'd ask everyone to grab someone's hand. After all, the only level playing field is at the foot of the cross and this game of life is best played when we take a knee together. No matter what, Christ died and rose again so that we'd have an abundant life. A victorious life through Him. So Lord, you know our hearts and what we're facing. If it be your will, please lead us to victory today. For thine is the kingdom, the power, the glory, now and forever. Amen.

--Jimmy Peña

P.S. I like to think the Lord would enjoy a good game, eat my food and fall asleep on my couch. Isn't it good to know He's our personal Savior?

Secret Shopper Poll: I wanted to thank everyone for your answers and input to yesterday's secret shopper poll. Turns out your heart and desires meet our hearts and desires. That's a win-win.

NUTRITION NEWS: Low Sodium Isn't Always Best

If you struggle with high blood pressure, or are just a little more health conscious than most, you probably try to shake conservatively when it comes to your salt. But the scare over salt may have had some unintended consequences, as this report from CNN Health reveals.

>> Click here to read about the dangers of low-sodium diets.

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November 16, 2011 Read: Isaiah 43

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you." --Isaiah 43:1

Bib No. 18-164 wasn't tracking. Even though race officials, sponsors and loved ones knew bib No. 18-164 started the race, nobody knew where he was on the course. See, bib numbers have bar codes that tell everyone your pace, stage and whereabouts. Without a functioning bib, you might as well be invisible.

Can you relate? In the course of your day, have you ever felt as if nobody knows just exactly where you are? Oh sure, you're at your cubicle or at home with your kids. But is anyone really watching what you're going through, let alone loving you through it? Your hurt is real. Your pain is deep. And walking away would be much easier than running this rat race. But we're more than tracked, and our steps are better than traced. Hope isn't lost and neither are you. God finds us and loves us from start-to-finish.

And as far as bib No. 18-164, he officially finished in just over five hours. And while his time didn't warrant interviews or draw a crowd, he did receive his medal. But he wasn't alone in this achievement -- the prize went to anyone who accepted the invitation to finish the race. Friends, God invites us to accept Jesus into our hearts and lives. When we do, we join a race He's already won on our behalf. Our job is to trace His steps and help others do the same. See you at the finish.

--Jimmy Peña

NUTRITION TIP: Apples for Size

"I commonly advise people to eat an apple preworkout," says Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days." "Apples contain polyphenols that have been shown to increase muscle strength, endurance and fat loss."

A recent study affirms those benefits, showing that one of the polyphenols in apples, ursolic acid, also increases muscle growth and fat loss. For the scientific speak on the topic, click here.

>> PRAYFIT IN YOUR HOME: PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS, comes to your living room this December with the release of the "PrayFit: 33-Day Total Body Challenge" DVD. Learn more and reserve your copy today by clicking here.


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October 24, 2011Read: Hebrews 12

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus; the author and finisher of our faith." --Hebrews 12:2

The...End. Not something you expect to read at the start of a devotion, but it was something I witnessed on my plane recently. The lady across the isle was reading a book that made "War and Peace" look like a leaflet. Seriously, at one point on the flight, I saw her begin Chapter 153.

As we began our descent, I saw her turn to the last page of the final chapter. You expect to see someone start a book on a flight, but to witness the finish, now that's rare. The bold capped words, THE END, hung below a short paragraph that covered only half the page. Her focus and reaction to her story was my focus, and I reacted.

"So how was it?" (I just had to ask. Rare moments are tough for me to ignore). "It was great!" she responded. "Lots of twists and turns but I love the author, and the end was better than expected."

I glanced up to the roof of the airplane as if to catch the grin of someone nobody could see, "Good one, Lord" I mumbled. You know, if I enjoyed watching some stranger finish her story, how much do you think God enjoys watching us live ours? To Him, we're page-turners, so let's really live! After all, she was right; lots of twists and turns, but if you love the Author, the end will be better than expected.


Question: What are your goals this week? How are you planning to live in terms of your health and well-being? Gonna try some healthy recipes? Start a new routine? Make it known in the comments section below.

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Mechanical Advantage

The body is an amazing thing in that it is fully fragile but fully adaptable. In any tough workout, progress is made in the daunting shadows beyond failure. Taking your body to the point of complete fatigue, then, is a desirable if only occasional ambition that can help you get healthier and stronger. But reaching that point doesn't have to mean the end of your workout. That's where adaptation comes in. By putting your muscles in a more mechanically advantageous position -- positions that demand less work -- you are able to extend your workout. Happily, additional cumulative work can lead to greater gains in the long run. This week's workout allows you to ask (and receive) more of yourself by simply capitalizing on mechanical advantage.


Plyo-Push up Standard Push-Up Push-Up (from knees)


Jump Squat Standard Squat Isometric Hold (squat at 90-degrees and hold to failure)


Double Crunch Standard Crunch Reverse Crunch

--Perform each exercise listed to complete failure before moving on to the next. Failure is the point at which you can no longer complete reps with good form. You can break up the upper, lower and abdominal workouts, doing them on separate days, or you can go through each exercise listed in sequence for a total body workout. If going the total-body route, you may go through the entire sequence 2-3 times total, resting at least 24 hours between workouts.

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August 2, 2011 Read: Isaiah 53

" his wounds we are healed." --Isaiah 53:5

I can't say I know all there is to know about politics, but the debt ceiling debate has been tough to escape. Turn the channel, pick up a newspaper or surf the web and there it is. And regardless of what side you're on, yesterday's vote was an emotional one; not so much for the outcome that saves the country from default, but because of who showed up for the vote. Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords appeared on the house floor for the first time since being critically wounded in January. Her appearance brought the house down. Fellow lawmakers described the scene as she raised her hand to vote "stunning" and "heroic." Giffords said she just had to be there for the vote. In her words, "I could not take the chance that my absence could crash our economy."

Please forgive the comparison, but you and I have a debt problem too. A debt no amount of good deeds, good thoughts, health, money, or otherwise could ever pay. Tally up the votes of every person of Adam's race, every voice that has ever spoken, and we wouldn't have enough yays for a victory.

But Jesus showed up to cast the only vote that counted; wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. He showed up, raised both hands and voted...grace.



One of the best and easiest things you can do to start cleaning up your diet is to make an easy switch. Whenever there's an option, elect to eat whole grain products. These healthier choices slow digestion, helping you to avoid the types of spikes in blood sugar and insulin that can leave your body drained and in a fat-storing mode.  But according to PrayFit contributing nutritionist Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD, there's much more to know about this wonder food.

"When selecting grain-based foods such as bread, cereal, pasta, and rice dishes, choose items that are made from whole grains," says Miller. "Whole grains are a source of B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron, and fiber, as well as other plant substances that can help fight disease. Foods made from refined or enriched grains often lack some of these nutrients. To ensure that the food you are choosing is 100% whole grain, make sure you do not see the words 'enriched' or 'refined' anywhere on the package or in the ingredient list. Some examples of healthy whole-grain foods include 100% whole wheat bread or pasta, brown rice, popcorn, and oatmeal."

Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian and works at a Washington, D.C.-based independent, nonprofit science organization, where her work is currently focused on environmental and policy solutions to obesity prevention. She also speaks to groups about health and nutrition and provides nutrition education to patients at a free medical clinic that serves low-income, uninsured adults in the D.C. area. You can view more of Emily’s nutrition tips and updates by following her on Twitter, @EmilyAMillerRD.



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July 22, 2011Read: 1 John 1

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” –1 John 1:9

Well, we’re at the end of marathon week. If you missed any of the entries, we hope you go back a few days and catch up. But on this final leg, I’d like to go back to what Loretta said at 4:00 a.m. the morning of the race. Sitting on the edge of the bed, with barely enough light to tie her shoes, she paused. Her unpinned race number lay beside her, along with the invitation to the race, and with a nervous smile she said, “Am I really doing this?” “You’re ready,” I told her. “I’ll see you at the finish.”

And when I finally found her, 26.2 miles and just over four hours later, amidst the crowd and celebration, you know what she did? After a long, happy, tearful hug, she showed me her medal. Did she win? Well, in my book, yes. But actually, everyone had a medal. The prize went to anyone who accepted the invitation to the race.

Friends, God invites us to accept Jesus into our hearts and lives. When we do, we join a race He’s already won on our behalf. Our job is to trace His steps and help others do the same. See you at the finish.



One thing we haven’t discussed in our PrayFit marathon week?  The importance of good rest following the race. In fact, experts say to take as long as a week or two to fully recover. Light activity like walking or easy swimming are excellent ideas to help the joints and muscles recover from the vigorous strain of a long run like the marathon, not to mention the weeks of preparation necessary to complete it.

Our plea to adhere to good rest is not limited to marathoners. If that were the case, few of us would be resting! So in general, our bodies need good rest and recovery time, so feel free to take time off every few months, performing mild activity for a few days at a time to maximize recuperation. Also, take time to get an adequate amount of rest each week. If you’re sore, fatigued or otherwise limited, it could be your body’s way of telling you to back off slightly. Serious lifters, for example, will train a single bodypart hard then rest it for a full week.

Rest will help your joints and muscles, while also providing your mind some time to recover. Good message for a Friday? We think so.

>> CHANGE YOUR LIFE: "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," isn't just a "how to" book. In a strange departure from the fitness genre, PrayFit address the "why." Once you address the why -- being healthier for your spouse or kids, setting an example for your congregation -- the "how" becomes easy. Read up on the core message of PrayFit, place a book order, or gift someone else with faith and fitness by clicking here.

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September 3, 2010Read Psalm 121 “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” --Psalm 121:2

It’s Friday. The ninth inning. The fourth quarter. The last period.

When coaches encourage their players to “leave it all out on the field,” it’s not to sure-up a victory or avoid defeat, but more so to prevent regret either way.

Of all people, Jesus understood Friday. If anybody ever had cause to hesitate before Friday’s first step, He did. But He finished the game. He suited up and took on the best the world had to offer by offering himself for the world.

Let's finish the week stronger than we began it. In Jesus' name, we train.


PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW Revisit the healthy living entries from the last week

PrayFit Workout of the Week: Chest

New research on the importance of surrounding ourselves with fit-minded people.

RECIPE: Cheese lover's delight

3 ways to improve your running stride

>> A GROWING FAMILY: As we move toward the release of our first print project, we are hoping to expand the PrayFit community. As we close the week, we hope that you will share this site with at least one friend or family member, whether it's via link, Facebook, Twitter, blog, word of mouth or messenger pigeon! Have a fantastic weekend. We hope to see you here Monday!

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