Since 2009


Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Our Tiny Offering

"'Isaac spoke up and said to his father, 'Abraham, Father?' 'Yes, my son?' Abraham replied. 'The fire and wood are here,' Isaac said, 'but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?'" --Genesis 22:7

Read: Genesis 22

When I was a kid my dad said to me, "Son, never give God anything that costs you nothing." And if I've ever felt like my father's son, it's now, as we're about to launch a new PrayFit tour in 2014.

And while much of the message I'm bringing to congregations will be centered around the importance of food, the crux of our message for believers will be, of course, to embrace a paradigm shift in the importance of physical health -- to see a healthy heart and lower bodyfat as a means of praise. Plainly said, something so fearfully and wonderfully made deserves more attention and upkeep. I've said it before, but God doesn't need our health to get his message around the world. We do.

I'm likely dating myself, but does anyone remember an old song about Abraham by singer Larnelle Harris called "When Praise Demands a Sacrifice?"

"When praise demands a sacrifice, I'll worship even then, surrendering the dearest things in life. And if devotion costs me all, He'll find me faithful to the call, when praise demands a sacrifice."

So if we embrace the belief that our health is a means of praise -- and if praise demands a sacrifice -- what will it cost you?

Jimmy Peña


Share your selections from this list in the comments below.

1. Making smarter choices at lunch 2. Eating less food at each meal 3. Getting up earlier to prepare breakfast rather than eating fast food 4. Walking around the block with your spouse each night 5. Doing something active before heading to work 6. Playing outside with your kids 7. Spending a few minutes alone with your Bible and in prayer each day 8. All of the above 9. Other


2014 is booking up! We are so excited that more and more churches are welcoming our unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking April and May events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Live, Eat and Sleep

There he is. He's been up all night. If you've been with us the last couple of days, you know what he's writing and to whom. He's almost to the end of one of his letters. The rhythmic regularity of the occasional drop of water echoes off the cold walls of the prison, and the light of the lamp is now competing with the small ray coming from a window near the ceiling. Staring at the new patch of light on the floor, he finishes this sentence. " it to do what it should."

Paul knew that athletes live, eat and sleep their sport. He understood the rigors, the devotion, the sacrifices, and the quest to be the one to win. If you're a competitive runner, he could've easily been describing you. That up-at-dawn discipline inside you? The dedication toward winning your next race? Paul got it.

But unlike the runner who trains for a race, we train during one. We train daily and compete daily, don't we? So with that in mind, notice carefully his choice of words. Training (a process) it (the body) to do (to act, proceed) what it should (the right thing)Paul wants us to train our eyes to notice the lonely, our ears to hear the helpless, and to deny the flesh. We're to run to Christ, run away from sin, run to those in need, and to do it all the time.

And he knew that in order for us to do that, we have to live, eat and sleep the Word of God. You know, like athletes. The kind that -- like Paul -- train to win.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Tomorrow we'll finish our study, but as you may have realized, Paul isn't talking about a concern for how the body looks, but he's claiming the kind of spiritual discipline in his life that athletes have in their sport. Imagine how equipped spiritually we would be if we studied God's word as much as we trained physically. That's what Paul is talking about. Are we training to win?


EXERCISE IN FOCUS: Bodyweight Squat

Many of our workouts here at revolve around bodyweight training. Why? The reasons are numerous but this form of resistance training can be done by practically anyone, anywhere and at anytime -- no equipment or expensive gym membership necessary. But to get the most out of these exercises, it's important to become a student -- then a master -- of the fundamentals. Today, we take a look at the best lower-body exercise around: the squat.

TARGET MUSCLES: Quads, glutes, hamstrings

EXECUTION: Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, a light bend in your knees and your toes turned out slightly. Keeping your head neutral, abs tight and torso erect, bend at the knees and hips to slowly lower your body as if you were going to sit down in a chair. Pause when your legs reach a 90-degree angle, then forcefully drive through your heels, extending at your hips and knees until you arrive at the standing position.

>> For more exercise descriptions and videos, click here.

>> Looking for a workout to develop your squat proficiency? Try one of the many options available at our Fitness page.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

If God Asks...

"We live by faith, not by sight." --2 Corinthians 5:7

Read: 2 Corinthians 5

I know we typically end our study with a question, but today we're starting with one. I'm wondering: Would you forfeit your health for the Lord? More specifically, would you give up your fitness lifestyle if God asked you to? Maybe you're a runner. An avid runner. Your calendar is marked -- not with holidays and birthdays -- but with 10Ks. Or perhaps you're a fitness junkie. You lift, you sprint, you jump rope, you sweat and you repeat it...six days a week. What if God asked you to give it all up? And no, He doesn't give you His reasoning, because He doesn't need to explain Himself to you. All you know is that the one passion you have in life -- that one thing that fulfills you and makes you you -- He wants you to relinquish. No more gym. No more road. How would you feel? Sad, confused, both? What would you do?

Well, before you say, "Jimmy, I doubt God would ever ask me to give up something like that," let's visit a couple guys who would beg to differ...

When Abraham got to the top of Mt. Moriah, he was confused and saddened. "Daddy, where's the lamb?" asked Isaac. But Abraham took the son he loved more than life itself, set him on the altar and raised his knife.

When the rich young ruler approached the Lord and asked Him what he needed to do to have eternal life, Jesus said to sell all his possessions, give to the poor and then follow Him. But the bible says the rich man walked away sad because he was rich.

Two men, both asked to sacrifice the love of their life. One was sad but obedient, the other was sad because he couldn't be. The difference? Faith. Faith saved Isaac and spawned generations that outnumber the stars. Faith loved. Faith sensed guidance. Faith followed. Faith swallowed fear. Faith didn't walk away sad.

Now, Lord only knows what He's calling you to do (or not do) when it comes to His purpose for your life, but is there anything you need to sacrifice in order to be closer to Him? Since He's likely not asking you to give up your pursuit of fitness, could it mean you need to carve out time alone with Him? If He's asking for time with you, do you walk away sad because you're so "fit"? Or on the flip side, if you're not honoring your health like God desires, perhaps stewardship is your sacrifice. Maybe the hill of discipline is your Mount Moriah. What is God asking you to do?

--Jimmy Peña

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Honoring our Veterans

Today, we pause to humbly offer our gratitude to those who have served or are currently in uniform for the cause of freedom at home and abroad. The dangers you face and the sacrifices you and your families make are gestures that are not lost on us.

If you know a veteran, reach out to say thanks. If you see one, take the time to offer a word of encouragement. If you are one, then we hope that you are blessed today. Join us in prayers of protection for those who so dutifully protect us or leave a few words of affirmation in the comments section below.

Vets, today we honor you. But as far as we're concerned, each day we get to fly Old Glory is Veterans Day. Thank you for your service.

--Team PrayFit

>> MILITARY FORUM: If you are a member of our armed forces, we hope that you’ll share your thoughts on faith and fitness with the PrayFit family in our Homeland Defenders forum. If you know a faithful serviceman or woman, we hope that you’ll refer them there so that we can all benefit from their experiences.

Not registered for our forums yet? Click here to get started.

>> Need workout ideas for the week? Click here to visit our fitness page.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

A Rescue Mission

"Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." --Hebrews 9:22

Read: Hebrews 9

Last year a group of American troops, including 22 Navy SEALs, were killed in Afghanistan. According to news reports, the troops on the ground requested additional forces, at which time a CH-47 Chinook helicopter was dispatched, carrying members of the U.S. special operations command. They died on a rescue mission.

The next day I watched an interview with the family of Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs killed in the crash. Of Aaron, his mom said: "Everything he did was secret, and it just feels really strange right now, that only in his death can we celebrate who he was in his life." Known as a devout follower of Christ, Aaron loved America, and there was nothing else he would rather do with his life.

At PrayFit, we honor Aaron Vaughn and all of those with him. We can't think of a more appropriate way to remember Aaron's ultimate sacrifice than to recall what Jesus did for us on Calvary. He loved us, and there was nothing else He would rather do with His life. He became the ultimate sacrifice, and died on a rescue mission.

--Jimmy Peña

IN MEMORIAM We are so grateful for those who serve in the military -- those who build their lives around defending those they will never meet, for a cause they believe in without compromise. If someone you know or love is serving in the armed forces, or if you have lost someone who wore the uniform, we salute them.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Pledge Allegiance

"...and by His stripes we are healed." --Isaiah 53:5

Read: Isaiah 53

Driving along the canyon in Los Angeles this week, I came across a tall, old tree in the front yard of a beautiful home. Next to the tree stood an equally tall flag pole. Now, most days I probably wouldn't have noticed, but as I went by I realized the flag was tangled around some branches, evidence of some recent high winds. Now, you may be just like me, but something stirs inside when I see the stars and stripes helpless like that. I don't know, but our symbol of freedom shouldn't be stuck to a tree. It was wrapped so tight in fact, I literally said to myself, "Oh, someone has to climb up there."

With amazing pity for my crimes and yours, our Freedom willingly crawled up that old rugged cross. We were helpless, so someone had to climb up there. And Jesus, with His scars and stripes, embraced it.

--Jimmy Peña

PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW Use this quick-access guide to the week's greatest hits

FAITH >> BAGGAGE HANDLER: Drop off your luggage and remain seated -- God doesn't need a co-pilot on this ride

>> WHO WANTS THE BALL?: If God had a blackboard, He'd mark our path straight to the cross

>> FEELS LIKE REDEMPTION: Your trials don't make you -- it's how you come back from them that matters most

>> HE'S MY BROTHER: Moses and Aaron complemented each other perfectly. Who makes up the rest of your team?

FITNESS >> WORKOUT: Use this mini-program to build strength and shape in your calves

>> TIPS: Courtesy of, 51 ways to fight fat

>> RECIPE: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Apples and Onions

>> STATISTICS: How closely related are obesity and heart disease?

33 DAYS: How have your New Year's resolutions held up? We're eyeballing the end of January (and heading into the weekend) and some of you may be starting to see your motivation wane. We've got just the cure. Jump start your routine all over again with our 33-Day Total Body Challenge DVD (Lionsgate Entertainment), hosted by PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena. This structured routine calls for 33 minutes a day for 33 days, honoring the One who gave us 33 years, and includes weekly devotionals to inspire and invigorate your efforts. Click here for more information!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


November 11, 2011 In honor of all our veterans who have served this great land, PrayFit extends our utmost respect. No words of encouragement, no workout of the day. Just a simple, sincere day of silence, setting our pens down to applaud their sacrifice. Today, if you know a vet, reach out to say thanks. If you see one, take the time to offer a hand of gratitude. Join us in silent prayers of protection for those who so dutifully protect us. Thank you, veterans.

--Team PrayFit

>> MILITARY FORUM: If you are a member of our armed forces, we hope that you’ll share your thoughts on faith and fitness with the PrayFit family in our Homeland Defenders forum. If you know a faithful serviceman or woman, we hope that you’ll refer them there so that we can all benefit from their experiences.


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 25, 2011Read: Romans 12

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship." -- Romans 12:1 I'm probably dating myself with this statement, but the classic Christian group 4HIM sang a song called "A Man You Would Write About." I was reminded of that song on a run this weekend when a buddy of mine and I talked about the sacrifices and tests God allowed people in biblical times to endure. People like Daniel, Noah, Mary and specifically, Abraham. When asked what I would do if I were in Abraham's shoes, I simply said, "There are plenty of reasons why I'm not in Abraham's shoes."

But during the quiet miles, I reflected on his question. Truth is, while you and I haven't been called to sleep with lions, build an ark, or sacrifice flesh and blood, we have been called. Perhaps you're called to be a better mom, son or husband. Maybe you've been called to the medical field, football field or mission field.

In any case, it's not the calling that matters, it's the One who calls. And friends, God has as much confidence in you and me as He did a shepherd boy headhunting giants, a stutterer convincing a Pharaoh, and a few fisherman who altered the course of history. Remember that truth as you pursue your goals, physically and spiritually. The very same one who believed in them, believes in you.



In whatever activity you enjoy the most or in whichever workout you have in store, take it to the max today and see where you are. Perhaps you have a familiar trail that you run after work or maybe you're hitting chest in the gym. Whatever your day's agenda, push yourself to a personal best. Write down the time, the weight, the reps or the distance and post it somewhere in your home or office. Every time you see it, let it remind you of your effort. When you read it, thank God as you think to yourself, "That was me, at my very best." Then, next time, you'll beat it.

>> SHARE: Please remember to share us on Facebook as we try to reach our goal of 10,000 likes by January 1st! And remember, you can help support our ministry by going to Amazon and pre-ordering our new DVD, PrayFit:33-Day Total Body Challenge, (Lionsgate Entertainment) which hits stores December 6th!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 14, 2011Read: Exodus 4

"The Lord said, 'Throw it on the ground." --Exodus 4:3

Moses was reluctant to part with his staff, but when he finally laid it down in obedience, it became the rod of God. Abraham was asked to lay down his own son upon the altar, and Peter was asked to lay down his nets after catching nothing all night. I'm sensing a theme.

You know, we talk a lot about picking up the weights or picking up the pace in our pursuit of a fitter lifestyle, but God is honored most by what we're willing to lay down. And if we're obedient in the most difficult times, He'll bless us beyond belief. What are you holding that's keeping you from living a more abundant life either spiritually or physically? Whatever it might be, just know that Moses, Abraham and Peter know first hand that it's okay to let go.


RECOVER FASTER WITH R.I.C.E. Learn the basics of injury management to get back to your exercise program sooner

When you roll an ankle playing basketball or feel a pull in your hamstring during a sprint, do you wrestle over what approach to take? Is it heat? Or does ice work best? Should you just wrap it up tight and call it a day? If you can remember the term "RICE," you'll never go wrong with treating acute, soft-tissue injuries like strains and sprains. RICE is an acronym that stands for "rest, ice, compression and elevation," a fundamental injury treatment technique used in training rooms everywhere.

R - REST Forget about making tomorrow's pick-up game. Your body needs time to heal and complete rest is the only way to ensure that the injured soft tissue remains immobile until the pain has subsided and the majority of function has returned.

I - ICE We love to hate the cold stuff. Applying an ice pack to the area, usually for 20 minutes of each hour as soon as possible after the injury, helps to alleviate pain and swelling to the area. Care should be taken not to over-ice, as the extended restriction of blood flow can limit the delivery of nutrients and the elimination of waste from the injured area.

C - COMPRESSION Keeping a good elastic bandage on hand is a good idea if you're active, as this simple implement can help to further reduce inflammation. Wrap the affected area firmly, but not so much so that it is overly restrictive and never sleep with it on -- doing either can unnecessarily or dangerously interrupt important blood flow.

E - ELEVATION Gravity is your friend. If possible, keep the affected limb above the heart in order to reduce swelling and to improve the removal of waste products from the point of injury.

What about heat? From the above, you have probably deduced that most of these steps are designed to limit swelling and blood flow to the injury. Since direct heat increases circulation to the point of application, applying heat before swelling subsides (usually 48-72 hours) can be counterproductive, even if it offers some temporary comfort. To these steps, you can also add a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) such as ibuprofen which will further aid in pain management and the reduction of swelling.

>> For more on RICE, visit WebMD.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


September 23, 2011Read: Galatians 6

"Carry each other's burdens." --Galations 6:2

Uphill battles. If anyone understood the phrase, Simon did. Simon of Cyrene was of course the man who helped Jesus carry the cross up the hill toward Calvary. In one moment, a bystander. The next, a cross bearer. He did literally what you and I are called to do figuratively. Little did he know the example he was setting. I wonder if he knew his sin would soon be nailed to the tree he carried.

Uphill battles. If anyone understood the phrase, Jesus did. Yet Jesus knew that what He faced, He had to face alone. Nobody on earth, above or below, could take His place as He took ours. But the thought of you and me facing our days without hope was enough to kill Him. The weight of the cross and our helplessness were more than He could bear.

Simon, Jesus. Two men, one cross and an uphill battle.


Are you facing an uphill battle as we end the week? Perhaps at work? Out of work? Physically? Spiritually? We want to pray for you so leave your comment here. If you'd prefer, simply list your prayer request as: "unspoken request" and we'll be sure and lift you up.



DEVOTION COSTS: God is pleased with what we are willing to surrender for Him

DIAGNOSIS: MIRACLE: The Great Healer does some of His best work when  you least expect it

WHAT CAN I BRING?: Give Jesus all you have and watch Him make miracles of it

DON'T MISS THIS BOAT: Tired and frustrated, Peter trusted Jesus, and cast his nets yet again.


WORKOUT: Scramble your legs with this lower-body routine

33-33-33: How these percentages could help you live a healthier lifestyle

GREAT STARTS: Two great-tasting breakfast recipes that provide long-lasting fuel

COMMUNITY: A healthier soul, and a stronger body to carry it, awaits at the hands of like-minded believers

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


September 19, 2011Read: Luke 10:38-42

"Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her." --Luke 10:41, 42

When I was 19 years old, my college buddies and I would base the week's success on how well we did in the squat rack. "Leg Day" was the focal point of our week, around which everything else rotated. Well one day, someone among us -- someone bigger and stronger -- put leg day on Sunday.

I'll never forget the feeling I had in our campus cafeteria. I sat there drenched in my old T-Michael sweatshirt with traces of chalk still on my hands, when a group of students fresh from church joined us at our table. Having spent practically every Sunday in church since the 8th grade, I knew something was "off" for me. My legs might have been growing, but my heart wasn't. I determined at that point that if I didn't get my training done in six days, it wouldn't get done in seven. I couldn't help it. Someone bigger and stronger had set my schedule. And for the rest of my college days and to this day 20 years later, I've never trained on Sunday.

Friends, I'm not suggesting you never train on Sundays, but I am saying to make sure that you rest. Renew your mind, your heart and your body. Let all three heal, repair and grow. It might mean a sacrifice. It might mean surrendering the dearest things in life. But He's honored by what we're willing to lay down.


Please join us this week as we look at our health as a sacrifice, a means of praise, and what that means for our daily lives.

SCRAMBLED LEGS For those of you who hit the gym frequently, here's a similar workout I wrote when I was with Muscle & Fitness magazine. It's based on a principle I've published and preached for over 10 years, called pre-exhaust. Basically, you destroy the target muscle with isolation moves (which are basically exercises that have one joint moving) before finishing it off compound moves (which are basically multi-joint and multiple muscle moves). Enjoy and hit them hard.

Exercise, sets, reps Rest 1 minute between each set

Leg Extensions (5-6 sets of 6-15 reps) Squat (4 sets of 8-10 reps) Leg Press (4 sets of 10-12 reps) Leg Curl (5-6 sets of 6-15 reps) Romanian Deadlift (4 sets of 8-10 reps) Glute-ham extensions (4 sets of 10-15 reps)

Note: Be sure to utilize a weight that allows you to fail at or within the rep range listed. The lower the rep range, the heavier the weight required to achieve failure. The higher the rep range, the lighter the weights.

>> QUESTIONS FOR THE TRAINER: Unsure on why or how to use a particular exercise or workout principle? Put your question to our experts.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


August 9, 2011Read: Hebrews 9 "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." --Hebrews 9:22

By now you've heard the tragic news of the group of American troops, including 22 Navy SEALs, killed in Afghanistan on Saturday. According to news reports, the troops on the ground requested additional forces, at which time a CH-47 Chinook helicopter was dispatched, carrying members of the U.S. special operations command. They died on a rescue mission.

Yesterday morning, I watched an interview with the family of Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs killed in the crash. Of Aaron, his mom said: "Everything he did was secret, and it just feels really strange right now, that only in his death can we celebrate who he was in his life." Known as a devout follower of Christ, Aaron loved America, and there was nothing else he would rather do with his life.

Our hearts at PrayFit are heavy, and we honor Aaron Vaughn and all of those with him. We can't think of a more appropriate way to remember Aaron's ultimate sacrifice than to recall what Jesus did for us on Calvary. He loved us, and there was nothing else He would rather do with His life. He became the ultimate sacrifice, and died on a rescue mission.


>> We are grateful for those who serve in the military -- those who build their lives around defending those they will never meet, for a cause they believe in without compromise. If someone you know or love is serving in the armed forces, or if you have lost someone who wore the uniform, please share in the comments section below so that we can salute and pray for you (and them) as a community.

DID YOU KNOW? >> If you were born after the year 2000, you have a 1 in 3 chance of developing Type II diabetes. It is no longer exclusively called adult-onset diabetes, since kids today are developing the diet-induced disease at an alarming rate.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


July 29, 2011Read: 2 Samuel 22

"I will sing praises to your name." --2 Samuel 22:50

When the Forbes richest person list was revealed recently, there were few surprises, save for the absence of billionaire Bill Gates at No. 1. It's rumored that Bill Gates would have had the top spot had he not given so much to charity. Most can't fathom such a sacrifice, but because he gave so much to others, he relinquished a title many would kill for.

But just try to imagine. Jesus went from heaven to human. Actually, our minds can't begin to comprehend the exchange. If we can somehow use Bill Gates as a cheap example, while he gave to the needy, he didn't become needy. Billionaire to beggar? Baron to bum? Not exactly. After all, giving to the poor didn't mean living with the poor. But when Jesus came to earth, He did more than join us -- He took our place. We can't fathom such a sacrifice, but for you and I to have any hope, the cross needed the Savior. And that's a title only He could die for.


PRAYFIT: A WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a week's worth of healthy living tips

>> RESOURCES: Finding the best fitness and nutrition tips around the two clicks

>> NEWS: Can protein help to lower blood pressure?

>> NUTRITION: Keys to healthy weight gain

>> EXERCISE: Learn perfect form on the power push-up

QUESTION: If health eventually fails, why is it worth the fight? If God today, inquired of the condition of the body He gave you to get through life, what would your answer be? And if He called you do a better job, would you? Post your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


July 26, 2011Read: Matthew 26

“Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My father if it’s possible, let this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.’” –Matthew 26:39

Getting ready for a business trip is no easy task. From the packing and planning, to some unpacking and repacking, it becomes quite the endeavor. Work before work. And while I’m grateful for the opportunities that business travel allows, I always have one thing on my mind. One solitary vision, and the reason I’m up for the fight — getting home. Even before I leave, I find that I’m homesick and still in my living room.

I wonder if Jesus ever got homesick. I mean, if anyone had the right to miss where they were from, He did. But something made Him leave. That something? Our helplessness.

Divine irony: Because He traveled, we’ll get home.

QUESTION: Jesus left Heaven so we would have hope. In the area of health, what are we willing to leave behind as a sacrifice of praise? Will we turn the TV off a few minutes early to walk with family? What about pushing away from the table sooner rather than later? He left Heaven for us, what can we do this week to be more healthy for Him?


PROTEIN PLUS Is protein helping to decrease your blood pressure? Science says 'yes'

In addition to the protein they consume from whole foods like chicken, beef and fish, many active individuals also choose to supplement their diets with protein powders. Doing so ensures more complete recovery from exercise, and works to blunt appetite and increase fat burning. And if you're not using a protein powder to support your training, you may want to start.

Researchers found that milk and soy protein supplements were both associated with a in systolic blood pressure compared with a refined carbohydrate supplement, according to findings of a randomized clinical trial published in Circulation.

"The systolic blood pressure differences we found are small for the individual, but they are important at the population level," said study leader Jiang He, MD, PhD, from Tulane University.

According to previous research, the New Orleans-based scientists note that a 2 mmHg decrease in systolic blood pressure, which was shown in the study, could lead to 6 percent fewer stroke-related deaths, a 4 percent lower rate of heart disease deaths and a 3 percent reduction in overall deaths among Americans.

For more detail, click here.


Getting to church - 13 posts

Questions for the trainer - 32 posts

Got a recipe to share?  - 6 posts

Exercise for seniors - 3 posts

Amy Lynne's Workout Journal - 135 posts

Faith Inspired Training Journal - 22 posts

>> Visit our forums by clicking here. Not a member yet? Register by clicking here and become part of the PrayFit online community today!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


June 10, 2011Read: Mark 10

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” --Mark 10:45

A few weeks ago, my wife and I noticed freshly posted “LOST DOG” signs throughout the neighborhood. Every other tree bore the image of a cute, cuddly fur ball with big, sad, brown eyes. You couldn’t help but stop and read it, nor could you miss the bold words: “REWARD IF FOUND.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a dog lover for sure, but there were a lot of zeros after that dollar sign. (Josey better stay real close to home if that’s the going rate on the streets.) All I know is that two things must be true about that lost pup: 1) she’s loved and 2) her owner will pay the price to get her home.

You know where I’m going with this, so forgive the comparison, but we too have gone astray. Even on our best days, we’d be lost forever. But God loves us so much that He allowed our ransom to be nailed to a tree; reward if found.



Last Friday, we finished the week with a question. Today will be no different. This morning, in the comments section, we'd like you to weigh in with your opinions on the following two-part question -- one that is fundamental to the PrayFit mission.

>> Does God care if we are keep ourselves healthy? Or is it only our hearts that He's concerned with?

Share the question with others using the social networking tools at the top of the page, post your comments in the space provided below or on our Facebook page  and have a great weekend!

>> VIDEO: PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena also stopped by for a chat with 100 Huntley's Christine Williams. Check out the faith-and-fitness discussion by clicking here.

>> SHOP: Looking for a good Father’s Day gift? Visit PrayFit’s online store to pick up a hat, shirt, wristband or book for the dads in your life!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


May 10, 2011Read: Genesis 22

"Isaac spoke up and said to his father 'Abraham, Father?' 'Yes, my son?' Abraham replied. 'The fire and wood are here,' Isaac said, 'but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?'" --Genesis 22:7

When I was a kid my dad said to me, "Son, never give God anything that costs you nothing." And if I've ever felt like my father's son, it's now, as PrayFit is being shared and enjoyed by homes and churches across the country.

Part of our message for believers is to embrace a paradigm shift in the importance of physical health; to see a healthy heart and lower bodyfat as a means of praise. Plainly said, something so fearfully and wonderfully made deserves more attention and upkeep.

That simple truth reminds me of an old song about Abraham by singer Larnelle Harris called "When Praise Demands a Sacrifice."

"When praise demands a sacrifice, I'll worship even then, surrendering the dearest things in life. And if devotion costs me all, He'll find me faithful to the call, when praise demands a sacrifice."

So if we embrace the belief that our health is a means of praise, and if praise demands a sacrifice, what will it cost you?



Keeping in mind that your health is ultimately and inseparably intertwined with your duty as a believer,  which of the following areas do you feel that you may have room for improvement personally?

1. Making smarter choices at lunch 2. Eating less food at each meal 3. Getting up earlier to prepare breakfast rather than eating fast-food 4. Walking around the block with your spouse each night 5. Training with push-ups, sit-ups and bodyweight squats before heading to work 6. Playing outside with your kids 7. All of the above 8. Other

Let us know how we can help you achieve your goals, not only in the realm of fitness, but also those things concerning your health that you know would please the Lord. Leave your comments and thoughts below.

>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Looking for a great way to get your faith and health back on track? "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" includes two 28-day, at-home workout programs, detailed meal plans and daily inspiration to nourish your faith. Find out what Tyler Perry, LL Cool J, Mario Lopez and so many more are talking about!

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May 5, 2011 Read: Luke 22

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." --Luke 22:42

Though my tiny legs hate me for it, I still head outdoors for a run 2-3 times a week, usually along a two-mile path that takes me around a nearby park. Last week, as temperatures hit the low-to-mid 90s, I found my run labored. Sweat poured from my brow and my legs felt heavy. For a moment, I considered skipping my next sprint and settling into a nice walk for the rest of the way. Then, I noticed the fatigues.

Camped out under a tree to catch what little shade there was to be found, an Army recruiter was coaching a prospective soldier though a set of sit-ups. A hundred yards up the trail, I notice a small group of high school-age guys running my way -- each of them appeared to be waging his own personal battle against the heat, fighting every natural instinct to quit. Each young man in the group was wearing an Army t-shirt. A newer, fitter Army requires soldiers to be in better shape and for these teens, it was training day.

At a time of day when most of their peers were heading to the community pool, these young men were preparing for the privilege to serve. Knowing the dangers inherent to the jobs that they were committing their lives to, not to mention the derision they'd face from their lesser-motivated classmates, these brave young men still chose to defend 307 million people they'd never meet as their trade. Though none of them hoped it would ever come to it, each of them was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice, and in doing so they unwittingly mirror the life (and death) of another soldier.

Though he feared his demise (Luke 22:42), Jesus voluntarily endured mockery, ridicule and ultimately the pain and suffering of the cross for you and me.  Bravery isn't necessarily the act of charging into the breach, but rather a willingness to answer the call.


SWEET NEWS ON SALT New research is rewriting the recommendations on sodium consumption

There are so many things out there that can harm us. Why does salt have to be one of them? For years, we've learned that this tasty seasoning should be consumed only in moderation -- that high sodium consumption could lead to heart disease and high blood pressure -- leaving us to lead cautious and bland nutritional existences.  But newer research is laying rest to these guidelines.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association followed over 3,000 healthy European men and women and found that higher-than-normal sodium consumption did not appear to increase the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) or having a heart attack. What's more startling was that they found those who consumed the least salt had a 56 percent higher risk of death from a heart attack or stroke compared with those who had the highest consumption, even after controlling for obesity, cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, and other risk factors.

While we're not going to encourage you to schedule a Salt Party, researchers concluded that some individuals simply appear to be more sensitive to the mineral than others and that sweeping guidelines for its consumption may be ill-advised.

For the full story, head to CNN Health.

>> WHAT'S YOUR SUCCESS STORY? Have you lost a ton of weight? Fought off diabetes? Have you been able to drastically change your lifestyle through regular diet and exercise? We want to hear from you. Take a moment to submit your story in our Success Stories forum, or just stop in to encourage others.




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March 30, 2011Read: Daniel 3

"Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feat in amazement." --Daniel 3:24

Three young men, when faced with a stubborn king's order to worship a pile of gold or else face a fiery furnace, jumped 1) at the chance to serve God, 2) out of the way of peer pressure and 3) in front of the crowd.

Three young men had a defining moment. When tested, they knew God was all they needed. And since God's favorite place to run is to our rescue, He jumped in the flame with them. And if their bold faith wasn't enough to convince anyone they were serious, the fourth image with them in the flame was. Can't you just see King Nebuchadnezzar counting his fingers and squinting his eyes? "Wait, one, two, thr..."

But that's what God does. He shows up and leaves the naysayers in shock and awe. So today, when we're faced with a challenge or golden opportunity, let's remember two things: God is with us, and the world is watching.

So on the count of three...



Friends and family, the time for half-measured health is over. If you're fighting your bodyweight, blood pressure or other health issues, you're not alone in the fire. With God, it's possible, and we're praying for you and applauding your heart to serve. If you're not fighting but should be, it's time to jump. Health takes sacrifice. Health takes guts. And in this day and age, it takes those who are willing to set themselves apart from the crowd. The phrase "God looks at the heart" can no longer be used as an excuse to abuse the body. But there is no tomorrow. If it's right to jump, it's right to jump today. Let the onlookers watch in amazement at just how serious you are.

Here are some ways to jump in the fire: Turn off the TV, computer and phone and take a walk outside with your family. Get up 10 minutes earlier each day to do bodyweight exercises in your living room. Push away from the table just a few minutes early.

But these are merely suggestions. We have to decide what we'll sacrifice, what we're willing to change in order to be better stewards of the physical gifts we've been given. And since God looks at the heart, that's probably the first place we need to start.

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March 10, 2011Read: 2 Samuel 22

"I will sing praises to your name." --2 Samuel 22:50

When the Forbes richest person list was revealed yesterday, there were few surprises, save for the absence of billionaire Bill Gates at No. 1. It is rumored that Bill Gates would have had the top spot had he not given so much to charity. Most can't fathom such a sacrifice, but because he gave so much to others, he relinquished a title many would kill for.

Try to imagine. Jesus went from heaven to human. Our minds can't begin to comprehend the exchange. If we can somehow use Bill Gates as a cheap example, while he gave to the needy, he didn't become needy. Billionaire to beggar? Baron to bum? Not exactly. After all, giving to the poor didn't mean living with the poor. But when Jesus came to earth, He did more than join us -- He took our place. We can't fathom such a sacrifice, but for you and I to have any hope, the cross needed the Savior. And that's a title only He could die for.



Did you know stretching before a workout isn't a great idea?

Which one of the following reasons for avoiding a pre-workout stretch is not true? The one with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit baseball cap!

1. Stretching doesn't necessarily prevent injury. 2. Stretching actually makes you weaker before a workout. 3. Stretching is for range of motion purposes only. 4. Stretching a cold muscle could actually cause injury. 5. Stretching is best done after a workout, when your muscles are warm and full of fluid.

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March 9, 2011Read: Luke 4 " does not live on bread alone." --Luke 4:4

Moses spent 40 days and nights atop Mount Sinai before bringing down the law. Elijah walked 40 days and nights in a valley on his way to the mountain. And most importantly, Jesus fasted and prayed for 40 days and nights in the desert before He began His ministry.

Of the many lessons these stories teach us, I think it's the fact that no matter where we are -- mountain-top moments, life's lowest valleys or the day's deserts -- it's God who meets us there and prepares us for what lies ahead. Truth is, it's our availability, not our ability, that matters most in all our days and nights.



By Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC

Looking to spice up your food Cajun-style? The sassy mix of black pepper, red pepper, garlic, paprika and dried herbs is good for more than just gumbo and jambalaya — here are 10 ways to add some Cajun to your cooking.

1. If you don’t have some on hand, make your own Cajun Spice Mix.

2. Sprinkle over freshly popped popcorn.

3. Mix with canola oil, brush over salmon, then grill.

4. Mix with ground turkey breast or 90 percent lean ground beef, Dijon mustard, and finely chopped red onion for a jazzed up burger.

5. Give oven fries a kick when they’re hot out of the oven.

6. Whisk with low fat ranch dressing to serve over a grilled chicken salad.

7. Make a one-pot Cajun shrimp dish – ready in less than 10 minutes!

8. Mix with nonfat Greek yogurt as a dip for veggies or baked potato topper.

9. Combine with crabmeat and cream cheese for surprisingly delectable party food.

10. Use on its own or mix with other favorite spices to make a dry rub for chicken, fish, steak, pork, corn on the cob or thick slices of vegetables.

TELL US: How do you use Cajun spice blend?

Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is the nutrition expert for Food and the Healthy Eats blog. She is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.

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